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Customer Service and Business
Customer Relationship Management
Team 4
Beltrán Roque Ariana Sarahí
Cruz Venco Andrea
Flores Pérez Sara Diana
Guzmán Ramírez Alejandra
Zapata Lomelí Diana
Zepeda Retana Ana Sofía
Customer Segment Selection
Age: young adults
Gender: females
Marital status: single
Expenditures: low
Location: urban areas in Mexico
Our customer segment includes single young adults females who live in urban areas
in Mexico with low expenditures.
Customers Needs and Problems Identification
Needs Problems
Transportation, be on time, clothing Insecurity, transportation is a little
expensive, traffic. The outfit can be
uncomfortable, driving / sitting for a
long time.
Healthy food and snacks, easy to
prepare and affordable food
Expensive, unhealthy food, cooking
takes a lot of time.
Cheap, simple, and trendy
Some items are expensive, take a
long time to dress up, some items are
made with unhealthy products or
other harmful effects.
Effective, simple, and fast workouts,
affordable clothes, a near gym and
Expensive gyms, it is difficult and
takes too much time and sugary
Cheap, trendy, and fun
places, transportation, clothes,
Expensive, far way, boring places
Customer Needs and Problems Solutions
Activities Needs Problems Solutions
1. Go to
Transportation, be
on time, clothing
transportation is a little
expensive, traffic. The
outfit can be
Create a way of
transportation that only
allows women in that
will be much more
uncomfortable, driving /
sitting for a long time.
secure than public
2. Cook Healthy food and
snacks, easy to
prepare and
affordable food
Expensive, unhealthy
food, cooking takes a
lot of time.
Create a restaurant
that only sells food
made with organic
3. Get
ready for
Cheap, simple
and trendy
Some items are
expensive, take a long
time to dress up, some
items are made with
unhealthy products or
other harmful effects.
Create a brand of
clothing that recycles
materials into clothes.
4. Work
Effective, simple
and fast workouts,
clothes, a near
gym and
Expensive gyms, it’s
difficult and takes too
much time and sugary
Create a energetic
drink with no sugar and
no unhealthy colorant
5. Hang
out with
Cheap, trendy
and fun
clothes, security
Expensive, far way,
boring places
Create a more fun,
safe and cheap way to
enjoy the night with
6. Buy
Cheap, essential
clothing and
Expensive, sizes,
untrendy and polluting
Create an app that
allows women to
choose some outfits at
an economic prize and
7. Go on
Security, clothes,
coffee shops
Expensive, boring,
insecurity, not too much
free time, not meeting
new people,
Create a way to book a
meeting with someone
you met online, so that
you can know them in
a safe place.
8. Buy
Cheap, good
quality and
Expensive, bad quality
and not really effective.
Create a product that is
easy to find, cheap and
eco friendly
9. Money
Secure saving,
easy to manage
and effective, stop
spending money
Bank interest,
complicated and takes
too much time, pay
Create an online
course of how to do tax
payments for young
10. Clean Cheap cleaning
products, less
time spent on
cleaning and
simple use
complicated and
occupying too much
Create a device which
is compact and simple
to use, to help clean
any surface and not too
Potential Business Ideas
Feedback of the business ideas
TEAM 4 Idea 1: Go on dates.
1. It is something that is done
frequently and there is danger.
2. Feel calmer.
3. Safer.
1. Less privacy.
2. People who do care usually go to
a cafe or open places.
3. Not everyone thinks about the
danger of meeting someone
TEAM 4 Idea 2: Buy clothes
1. The price is accessible.
2. Is easy to use the app.
3. If you don't have time to go out,
you buy it from your home.
1. A lot of competence.
2. Some prefer to try on clothes.
3. The quality of the clothes is not
known until it arrives.
TEAM 4 Idea 3: Go to work
1. Feel more secure.
2. Worry less about the time you
come back.
3. Less danger
1. Men can get angry and feel
discriminated against.
2. There are also bad women.
3. Public places can't be made this
TEAM 4 Idea 1: Go on dates.
1. It might help women to feel safe.
1. They have to promote their café.
2. They have to hire people and it
would end up being an extra cost.
TEAM 4 Idea 2: Buy clothes
1. Apps like this are popular.
1. They have to promote their app.
2. They have to get raw materials to
make the clothes, this is an extra
3. They have to spend money on
the clothes design and in the
making process.
TEAM 4 Idea 3: Go to work
1. It would help women to feel safer.
1. They do not have a clear idea of
what they want to do. It is not a
product nor a service, since
modifying public transportation is
a matter that corresponds to the
TEAM 4 Idea 1:Café with an special
area to read
1. It's a nice place to hangout.
2. Can create a welcoming
3. It might be cheaper, so that is
1. It's something that already exists.
2. It can be boring when meeting
3. They are disposable(Not eco
friendly.) Men might feel
TEAM 4 Idea 2: Apps for outfits
1. Easy and practical to find outfits.
2. More variety of clothes.
3. It is original for those looking for a
specific style.
1. It is not that innovative, you can
find it on Pinterest.
2. The clothes do not fit as you
3. The clothes are not of good
4. It is not viable for the company.
TEAM 4 Idea 3: Transportation for
secure women
1. You can stay safe with other
2. More privacy.
3. Punctual.
1. Your schedules are subject to
transport schedules.
2. Full capacity.
3. The cost.
TEAM 4 Idea 1: Go on dates.
1. Meet people easily.
2. Security.
3. Comfort with your utilities.
1. Might be difficult to meet with
other people since everyone
already has dating apps.
2. Online dates might not match the
real person.
3. People might not like to have a
date with the security guards
TEAM 4 Idea 2: Buy clothes
1. Quality clothes.
2. Cheaper.
3. Customized outfits.
1. There is a lot of competition.
2. Can be a lot of work because you
are going to customize every
3. The colour, appearance in real
life may not match with the
electronic images.
TEAM 4 Idea 3: Transportation for
secure women
1. Security.
2. Exclusively for women.
3. You feel more confident.
1. Might be more expensive than
other public services.
2. Might not cover all locations.
3. Also women can have bad
TEAM 4Idea 1: Go on dates.
1. Not risk.
2. Not common.
3. Special place.
1. Risk still there.
2. Many competitions.
3. Permits required.
TEAM 4 Idea 2: Buy clothes
1. Helpful.
2. Good quality.
3. Original Clothes.
1. Already exist.
2. Many competitions.
3. Not a basic product.
TEAM 4 Idea 3: Transportation for
secure women
1. Useful.
2. Quality transport.
3. Profitable.
1. Difficult to make.
2. Innovation.
3. Cheap.
TEAM 4 Idea 1 Go on dates
1. It gives an secure place to talk
2. It is an original idea, there would
be little competition.
3. It provides an optimal
environment to have a date.
1. Expensive.
2. Not a practical solution, it is not
possible going to the same place
every time.
3. Lack of privacy during the date.
TEAM 4 Idea 2 Buy clothes
1. It provides a larger catalogue of
clothes than an average store.
2. It is pretty easy to find the clothes
that you search.
3. You can buy products from the
commodity of your home or any
1. A lot of competition in the clothes
2. Easily copied
3. Not an original idea, already exist
different stores with similar ideas.
TEAM 4 Idea 3 Go to work
1. The security.
2. It would be more easily
3. The travels would be a more
personal experience.
1. Probably it would be more
expensive than public
2. High funding requirements.
3. High fixed costs.
Business Idea Selection
The need we identify is that young adults use apps and websites to meet people
online. The problem is that these sites do not provide security when meeting the
person face to face. As a result, young women can be catfish, feel uncomfortable or
insecure. Our idea is to create a coffee shop where you can book a meeting with
someone you met online, so that you can know them in a safe place.
Business Idea Selection Justification
We choose the coffee shop because it is the most feasible business, there aren't
many competitors which have this type of security, it is an innovative way of meeting
people and promotes a welcoming environment.
Validation of Potential Business Idea
Customer Survey Design
1. Are you a single woman?
a) Yes, I am single
b) No, I am not single
c) I am a man
2. How old are you?
a) 18-25
b) 26-30
c) 31-35
3. Where do you live?
a) Querétaro
b) México City
c) Monterrey
d) Guadalajara
e) Other
4. Do you go on dates with people you met on the internet?
a) Always
b) Sometimes
c) Rarely
d) Never
5. What are the principal problems you experience when meeting people on the
a) Being catfished
b) Not getting along well
c) Age difference
d) Insecurity
e) Other
6. What do you dislike about current products on the market?
7. What type of places are you looking for when you go on a date with someone
you met on the internet?
a) An open place
b) A closed place
c) A crowded place
d) A place near your home
e) Other
8. What do you think of a coffee shop that guarantees your security when
meeting unknown people?
9. Would you be willing to pay for this service?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Depends on the price
10.What would prevent you from using this service?
Survey Results
What do you dislike about current products on the market?
● Price
● Cost
● Quality
● Insecurity
● I don’t know any other products
● Lack of options
What would you think of a coffee shop that guarantees your security when meeting
unknown people? Do you think it would solve this problem?
● Yes
● Maybe
● No
● I would like to go there
● It's a good idea
● May be less dangerous
● I think it is a good idea, but it might not solve the problem completely
● It'll be great and pretty popular, but I'm not looking to date someone right
now so it would work for me.
● I think it is a good idea because it is a specific place where the employees
know you are meeting unknown people so they can have security measures.
It will solve the problem.
● I think it will be a good option for a person who likes to date people they don't
know, I personally don't like to do that.
What would prevent you from using this service?
● Higher prices.
● I don't know.
● Nothing, I would use it.
● I don't meet people online.
● Location and its appearance.
● COVID-19.
● Security.
● Giving personal information.
● Bad service.
● I'm taken.
Feedback Analysis
We had a total of 70 answers in our survey in which 64,3% of them were single
women and 100% of them in the correct age gap. Most of these live in Querétaro
while a 4.3% live in Mexico City and a 1.4% in Tamaulipas; as far as we can see
almost three quarters of them never go on dates with people they met on internet
while on the other hand more than a quarter of rarely and sometimes go on dates
with people they met on internet, as for a tiny part answer with Always. About the
principal problems they experience meeting people from the internet, the answers
that stood out the most are the insecurity which has 62.9%, being catfished with 10%
and not getting along well with 11.4%; while the others percentages vary on the
answers which go to shyness to the age difference. In the next question were we
asked type of places they would be looking for when they go on a date with someone
they met from the internet, 48.6% choose an open place, 28.6% choose a crowded
place however a quarter choose from a place I know with people to answers to a
place near your home. As for the end, we decide to ask if they will be willing to pay
for this service; more than a half 57.1% choose depending on the price while a third
choose yes and for the rest choose no.
Most of our target market answers never when it comes to going on a date with a
person they met online. Based on their answers to why is because nowadays it is
very dangerous to meet people online which prevent them from going and that they
most likely go if our cafe was available.
Just a small amount of people would not be willing to pay for our service, however
most of the people would go depending on the price and 30% would definitely go
regardless of the price.
Product/Service Description
A secure café that offers a high quality service with security staff and a fancy and
sanitized open-air space. Its main customers are female single young adults.
Nowadays, since technology is a common thing to have in our everyday life, most of
the people, especially young adults, tend to be online many hours a day.
Consequently, it is no surprise that people have to communicate through online
platforms instead of meeting in real life and these days people have been spending
more time online due to COVID-19 pandemic. It is common for young females to
communicate online with strangers for different reasons like meeting friends or just to
talk. Our cafe is needed because most of the time people who talk online want to
meet face to face, but the places where they meet are not always safe. Our service
provides a safe place for these female customers to meet their online friend without
the risk of being a catfish or a person who is different from what they have said
before and getting into a dangerous or uncomfortable situation.It includes the cafe in
which you can come by booking or arriving there, the food products are affordable,
healthy and there are vegan and vegetarian options for everybody, a security system
that allows women to let the staff know that she isn't comfortable with her partner,
security staff and security devices such as cameras and a danger button. Its main
purpose is to give security to these females so that is the main benefit, as well as
registering in our system to let people know about your personality, interests,likes
and dislikes. Furthermore, this registration system will help matching you with other
people that might have similar interests and you might get along well and it will also
help to leave bad or good reviews of other customers so people know which people
are dangerous or not. It is different from other places because normal cafes don't
provide security in the same way as we do, so if something happens they don't take
responsibility but our cafe does take the responsibility because our goal is to keep
adult young females secure.
Customer Profile Analysis
Demographic Profile
Gender: Our product is specially designed for all women, especially those who feel
distrustful of going out with friends they met online.
Age: Between 20 - 35, which are young adults.
Occupation: Non-specific, the occupation is irrelevant for the service we offer.
Education: it is irrelevant. The level of education does not affect the service.
Marital status: The product is for single women who meet people (mainly men) on
different platforms.
Ethnicity/race: Non-specify. The race does not affect the service people receive.
Expenditures: Low. The women are young adults and probably do not have a well
paid job.
Income: The women are young adults and probably do not have a well paid job. So
our coffee shop is designed for people with low income.
Mobility: Non-specify. Mobility does not affect the way that our service works. This is
because it is a service that will be only in one country (Mexico).
Housing: The house where the consumer lives does not matter because we are
offering a service. The most important thing for the business is that people can
confidently go to the coffee shop.
Location: urban areas, because our coffee shops are going to be located in malls.
Psychological Profile
Personality: This aspect doesn't matter much, because people know each other
from the internet, and we are a service that provides security for the women that go
Importance of purchase: Importance of Purchasing does not affect this service
directly, because it is a coffee shop. Nevertheless, it is important that women feel
free to go there.
Innovativeness: This aspect might affect because it is something new in the market,
which has no competitors, that might attract customers easier since it is an
innovative idea.
Motivation: Motivation is important, because we offer a safe, friendly and
comfortable place for our clients.
Attitudes or Opinions: This might affect because there are different people with
different beliefs and likes, that is why our cafe took this into consideration adding a
menu for vegetarians.
Perceived Risk: The customer has to make decisions, since it might have a certain
level of risk meeting strangers, but the purpose of our cafe is to make them feel
secure. On the other hand it does not represent a financial risk, since it is not a fancy
cafe and it is designed to be affordable for our target customers who are young adult
Class Consciousness: This aspect is going to affect the decision a woman makes,
because they are looking for a good service and especially for security.
Social Profile
Culture: It is important because it conditions society as it is related to an adjustment
of cultural attitudes and customs.Often, adaptation of culture occurs at a slower rate
than conditional change in society. In a mexican macho culture that creates
insecurity for women of all ages.
Social Class: Upper-middle class. Women that are worried about their well being, it
is relevant.
Social Performance: It is relevant, since our target customer takes the role of young
adult working women, who are also searching to have a friend, girlfriend, or other
role with which we can provide with our cafe.
Reference Groups: This aspect might affect since reference groups are the ones
who influence our customer, who are young adult women. Perhaps if their friends go
to our cafe, that might make our customer want to go too, because it is based on
their reference groups experience.
Opinion Leaders: since these women are worried about their security they may be
influnced by feminist celebrities, youtubers, artist and associations. .
Family Life Cycle: it is not relevant because they do not have a family yet
Time Expenditures: women that spent a significant amount of time on the internet
using social media for meeting new people.
T. Miller, C. (2011). The Cultural Adaptation of Internet Dating: Attitudes towards
Online Relationship Formation [Diapositivas]. scholarworks.
Best Practices for Excellent Customer Service
Apple has 5 steps of service
1. Approach with a personalized warm welcome. (Ask for their first name).
2. Probe politely to understand a customer's needs (Ask questions to match the
product and the customer).
3. Present a solution the customer can take home today.
4. Listen for and resolve issues or concerns.
5. End with a fond farewell and an invitation to return.
Instead of investing money on ads, Apple has implemented a long term customer
first strategy. They build a genuine relationship with customers and reduce customer
churn. Employees at the Apple stores do not have sales targets. Instead, they're
trained to engage visitors.
Virgin Airlines
1. Virgin treats employees the way they want their passengers treated, if not
even better.
2. Richard Branson practices the concept of “Customer Service by Walking
Around”. (A manager is often seen interacting with employees).
3. Communication (Leadership must listen to employee feedback, as well as to
customer feedback).
4. Wow is in the details. (Details matter).
5. Your employees are your competitive advantages. (Training and
Virgin Airlines has introduced unique and innovative products to the business, which
have become not only the hallmark of Virgin’s service values, but of the airline
industry as a whole. For example, Virgin Atlantic was the first airline to offer just two
flight classes, Economy (a choice of Premium Economy and Economy) and Upper
Class, abandoning the three class structure.
Virgin Atlantic has become the preferred carrier of many frequent flyers, because of
its overall consideration of passenger needs, whether in-flight or in the airline’s
airport facilities.
Four seasons hotels
1. The employees care for all their guests looking to meet all of their needs.
2. When they hire new people, the company spends a lot of time looking for the
best attitude to make sure they are selecting the right people.
3. Hospitality (search for people who genuinely want to help).
4. Recognition (to all the employees, they get benefits and recognition of their
good job).
5. The employees and the guest are comfortable with the environment created.
The guest’s interactions and relationships with employees created a feeling of luxury.
So did the small, considerate touches, like complimentary shampoo and conditioner
in the shower— amenities that Four Seasons made a standard part of the guest
experience, long before it became “standard” to include toiletries in hotels. Luxury
was the cumulative guest experience. This unique philosophy fueled the company’s
growth from a single motel in Toronto to 92 Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts around
the world.
At Four Seasons, every employee is an innovator, and each hotel functions as a
miniature lab. Four Seasons knows that the best ideas don’t always come from the
land of theory (or corporateboardrooms). Instead, the best ideas can be generated
from the field and from the frontline—the people in contact with guests every day,
who are delivering these experiences. Four Seasons encourages employees to
continually seek ways to improve experiences, from handing out free sunscreen by
the pool to changing the check-in process to trim wait times.
1. Define what customer servicer is (use good judgement in all situations).
2. Hire right (What's your definition of customer service?).
3. Empower their employees (You must trust and empower your employees to
deliver on your company's vision).
4. The devil is in the details (They focus on details that enhance the customers
5. Be Better than the competition (Aims to create a better experience as their
Nordstrom embarks on personalization a little differently than some smaller, newer,
digitally native brands. Those brands, metaphorically, are speedboats. Nordstrom is
a cruise ship. If you captain a cruise ship the same way you’d captain a speedboat,
you’re asking for disaster. But Nordstrom is smarter than that. They’ve figured out
how to rethink brand partnerships, customer experience and retail strategy, all by
using testing as their foundation. They are better at this than any of their direct
competitors, and are winning by being data-driven.
1.- Amazon hires people who are really interested in solving people's problems
related to the company
2.- Every customers is unic in some way
3.- Amazon’s personal is train to give the best customer service they can
In amazon every customer service employee enjoys their job and is that part the one
that makes them feel good when they help someone, they all believed that there has
to be a really good connection between the person who answers the phone and the
one who is calling.
1. Wow your customers (Exceed expectations of the customers)
2. Never argue about returns (never object the return, create confidence, trust
and loyalty)
3. Culture fit (test the employees and train them to be passion about service)
4. Customer centric approach (the goal of the employees is to have happy
5. The culture book (document all the wow moments of customers and
Zappos focus most of their money on their customers. Also, on their official page,
they make it easy for customers to contact them. As well as they make sure all
customers have a nice experience while shopping in Zappos. Zappos customers
always find a friendly, helpful and empathetic ear. They truly care about each and
every individual that contacts them, and it’s their mission to provide the best
solutions possible.
1. Assess and improve your organization's commitment to quality service.
2. Differentiate and elevate your service to become a provider of choice.
3. Design standards for quality service and create a consistent service
4. Gauge the needs, wants, stereotypes and emotions of your customers at an
individual level.
5. Understand the processes necessary to develop a culture that consistently
delivers exceptional service.
6. Recover effectively from a service failure and turn it into an opportunity to
strengthen customer relations.
Experiencing the Disney ethos for the first time changes you, whether you’re a child
or an adult and it offers some of the best customer service in the world. Disney
wants to provide excellent customer service in all areas. Additionally, this is the result
of a service that is planned, purposeful, and consistent. Furthermore Walt Disney
understood that employees are critical to the success of a business, in consequence,
Disney Cast Members are trained from day one to deliver an experience. Exceeding
guest expectations is delivered in a package deal. There’s more than what the eye
meets, and it’s not only about being kind that leads to a memorable experience. To
make a good experience Disney takes anything out of the equation if it could
potentially harm the customers and team or staff. Overall the environment there is, is
what makes a better experience.
1.- Define your customer service mantra
2.-Take advantage of over the top experiences
3.- Put your money where your mouth is and let employees take care of your
4.-Treat employees like they are the customers or even better.
Ritz Carlton always tries to keep its customers happy if there is a problem between
two customers. They try to keep both of them happy, they follow four steps to do that
and also employees are treated in a really good way just like the Ritz wants them to
treat it’s customers.
Southwest Airlines
1.- There isn’t place for bad attitude
2.- use model employees in the hiring process
3.-Provide guidelines not rules
4.- Give employees the flexibility to make decisions
Southwest airlines worry about the type of people they hire because they want to
give the best customer service they can so in order to do that they use model
employees during the hire process to show what they need and what they want their
employees to be.
Customer Relationship Management Strategies for your Business
Prospect Identification
Based on our target market identification, we can conclude that the main customer
for our service and products are single women between the ages of 18 and 35 who
live in urban areas of Mexico. The expenditures and income from our target market
must be low. Another aspect of our market must be upper middle class. Our product
is designed for those women who spend their free time meeting new people and
going out with friends. In addition, our service is made for those women who are
looking for a safe place to hang out with friends and people that they do not know.
The culture of our consumers is very important, so our market is mainly Mexican.
Our consumers may have different beliefs or likes, but that helps the coffee grow by
creating menus and providing the best quality of service that the consumer deserves.
Contracting Potential Customers
The way in which the business will contact our consumers will be through ads on
social networks, mainly on instagram and twitter. In addition to placing ads on
YouTube. Finally, the third way to contact our consumers will be advertisements on
web pages.
Development of Communication Activities
In order to post ads on social media, we will need to create a social media account
so that consumers can easily communicate with our business. The business will
create a youtube account to be able to publish the ads and informative videos. As a
team we will be in charge of hiring a graphic designer that creates an image for the
company; including advertisement, logo, videos, etc. Then we will be publishing the
ads on YouTube and the other apps. Finally, in order to place ads within web pages,
we will have to hire a programmer to help us place the ads on the web.
Creating Customer Delight
For employees to create a delightful experience, they will be trained in such a way
that they can adapt to the situation and thus avoid problems with customers. Also,
before selecting our employees, we will submit them to tests that require personal
control, patience, empathy, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Finally, our
employees will be trained to pay attention to details and to be able to solve every
problem a customer can have.
1. Approach our customer with their first name and give them a warm welcome.
2. End with a fond farewell and an invitation to return.
3. Treat our employees the way we want our customers to be treated.
4. Listen to employee feedback, as well as to customer feedback.
5. When we hire new people, we take our time looking for the best attitude to
make sure we are selecting the right people.
6. Make employees and guests feel comfortable with the environment.
Adding Customer-perceived Value
The loyalty program that the business will use will be to buy "n" and you have one for
free. This will be implemented when buying from the menu.We will use this program
because it is a simple program and it is generally the program that attracts the most
clients and is easy for our business to handle it.
Our business is a coffee shop with the plus of a security service especially when
meeting new people. The additional service that we will offer is the system of
matching frequent customers. With this system our customers know that they are
meeting someone that has similar interests and that they are in a safe place. This
service will encourage them to come more often to our cafe.
Prins N. (2019). 7 Unexpected Insights You Can Gain From Apple's Customer
Service. Retrieved from
Business Case Studies. (2019). Building an Airline Through Brand Values. Retrieved
Forbes. (2012). Apple's 5 Steps of Service. Retrieved from
Hyken S. (2017). Customer-Focused Tips from Virgin Airlines. Retrieved from
Barghelame, K. (2019, 23 diciembre). The People Create the Experiences: How
Four Seasons Built an Army of Customer Champions. Medallia | Customer
Experience and Employee Experience.
Five Customer Service Lessons From Zappos.com. (2017, 1 enero). [Vídeo].
YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pl2Gds5fTm8
Four Seasons hires for five-star attitude. (2012, 1 febrero). [Vídeo]. YouTube.
Nordstrom’s Customer Service Tips - Learn from a Retailer. (2017, 4 junio). [Vídeo].
YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neA9lIL23xA&t=2s
The Zappos Brand & Customer Service - Tony Hsieh - Motivational Speaker &
Author. (2012, 27 febrero). [Vídeo]. YouTube.
What makes customer service at Amazon, different? (2015, 1 diciembre). [Vídeo].
YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TRhDSgqYzs
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