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Precious Petals Flower Shop - Valentina Martinez

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Complex Problem Solving 1.
This specific ability is a vital thing we will need in order to get a
great job in the automation world. It is true that robots can do a
lot of things a simple human can’t, but it is also a fact that us
humans have the ability to think outside of the box. When it comes
to solving an issue that it’s not fully defined, creating a new
business strategy or coming up with solutions to problems that
have implications for the lives of real people, robots are not the
answer; having this skill requires a great deal of meticulousness as
well as the ability to see the bigger picture, and this is something
that only a human can do.
 2. Critical Thinking
Well, we all know robots are getting wiser as the time passes, but
something they can’t regularly achieve is the capacity to form a judgment.
Critical thinking is an objective skill that requires an unbiased analysis of
factual evidence; yes, as I said, machines are getting smarter and better at
aspects of critical thinking, but a human being still has the power to
connect to another one. The power of communicating to another person in
an open-minded and safe space, when you want to find a solution or offer
something, is a really important deal. For example, a lawyer can identify
the exact solution to make and solve a case for a client, or a marketer can
come up with a comprehensive message that can resonate with consumers. 
Critical Thinking is the key to connect with work, and it is also the key to
survive this evolution. 
3. Creativity 
Jobs that involve genuine creativity are at a really safe space
in the future because creativity is a skill that robots can’t,
yet, develop. Humans have the facility to create such
beautiful, all-embracing, inclusionary things; humans have the
power to generate music that connects with people, to design
breathtaking architecture or to fabricate an original piece of
art. Creativity requires innate randomness that can not yet be
imitated by robots because it’s hard to explain why a person
connects to something to a computer, it just feels right.
In conclusion, if you want to be prepared to go out into the
working field in the future, consider practicing these skills
because they will almost guarantee you a place in this, soon to be,
automated world. 
Automation is a phenomenon that will eventually become the plot twist of the
century; the jobs we see as “normal” in the workplace will, somehow,
disappear or change thanks to the creation of Artificial Intelligence (AKA:
The disappearance of actual jobs that require the human mind will happen,
that is unavoidable, but the appearance of new ones WILL also happen, and
for this we will need to develop a list of new qualities and skills. These skills
are going to help us survive this automation system, and I’m going to explain
them to you right now, because we all have to be prepared. 
-Mahdawi, A. (2017). What jobs will still be around in 20 years? Read this to prepare your future. Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/us-
-Desjardins, J. (2018). 10 skills you'll need to survive the rise of automation. Retrieved from https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/07/the-skills-needed-to-survive-
Valentina Martínez Gutiérrez

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