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evidence 1 life science (1) - Dania Alejandra Sánchez León

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Dania Alejandra Sanchez Leon
Life science
	Teacher’s name:
	Module: 1
Evidence 1
	Date: 08/02/2022
Types of reproduction: In the sexual part, they are matured at the age of 18 months, after that, in this case, the female Axolotl is who takes the sperm of the male Axolotl, but the male must seduce the female with a courtship dance. Sexual reproduction, but in some cases, it can be asexual.
Growth stages: First, they are eggs, these eggs were put by the female. This reproduction happens from December to June, when they are highly fertile. The embryo stage is when the eggs become small embryos and they have a jelly around them to protect the organism (2mm in diameter). In the second part of this stage, the start to create their bodies and heads, and last out days or weeks.
Larva stage: In this stage, they don’t have legs yet. Even when this is a crucial stage, this is when they are most in dangerous, the skin, at the beginning, is thin, but it gets thicker. After a few weeks, the legs will start to grow, and it takes months to complete this process. In the Young adult stage is when they already start to grow to become more independent. During this stage, they start to be sexually active and now, they can breed. Finally, in the adult stage, they are finally fertile and able to live independently. It’s the last stage of their lives.
Types of feeding: They are carnivorous. They eat worms, some types of larvae, small fishes, and crustaceans.
Geographical space and habitat: They were originally from Chalco to Xochimilco, but in general, in a natural habitat, they live in bottomed waters where also live a lot of organisms as plants and animals.
Axolotl: They are secondary consumers, they are predators, but they can also be food.
Small fishes and crustaceans: They are primary consumers, they are herbivores.
Humans: We’re secondary consumers, we are predators, and omnivores.
Algae: They are primary producers; they create their own food.
Worms: Decomposers, they eat the rest of other animals and plants.
Describe the importance of the species in their environment.
First, they are being used for the medicine, and their curative properties, they are indicators of the quality of water because they are sensible to contamination. Also, they are an important animal for Mexico and their culture. In their environment, they help to control species like insects that can be a plague and transmit diseases. They also transfer different nutrients to the water and dirt.
Explain whether climate change or any environmental issue threatens their reproduction.
They are sensible to water contamination, so it’s easier to die with that, and their reproduction is less than other years, not only because of the contamination, it’s also because most of them are out of their habitat, it makes them more sensible to diseases, and their reproduction is more difficult.
How would the loss of the species from their habitat affect humans?
A lot of plague can be created with the loss of that specie, including the transmission of diseases, not only that, but the axolotl is also investigated by Scientifics to help them to find new ways to treat different diseases like cancer.
Red panda
Types of reproduction: They breed in early winter, the female and male groom each other during courtship and after the mate, they don’t do anything with each other because they aren’t social animals. After 90 to 145 days of gestation, the female gives birth to her babies. When they are already mature, the sexual maturity starts at the age of 18 months.
Growth stages: The female gives birth to her babies, and they stay 90 days in the nest that their mother created during the gestation. But they leave their mother until the next litter of cubs born in the next summer. At the age of two year, they are already adults, but they get sexually matured at the age of 18 months.
At the age of 18 days, the cubs open their eyes and at the age of 90 days, they get their characteristic colour and fur, including the capacity of eating solid foods.
Types of feeding: They are omnivores, sometimes they eat eggs, small birds, insects, and other little animals, but most of the time, they eat bamboo, fruits, grasses, etc.
Geographical space and habitat: They live in the East Himalayas or in Southern Asia, between countries as China, Nepal, Bhutan. Their habitat is in the trees, where they pass most of their time, and in winter, their habitat has snows.
Red panda: Secondary consumers, they eat animals and plants, that means that they’re omnivores, but they also can be food for depredator like snow leopard.
Bamboo and mushrooms: Producers, they create their own energy with the sun.
Snow leopard and bamboo rat snake: Third consumers, they eat other secondary consumers as the red panda and the arctic fox, but the bamboo rat snake eat bamboo rats only, including small animals. They’re carnivorous.
Bamboo rat: They’re primary consumers, they only consume plants and bamboo, and they’re food for animals like bamboo rat snakes.
Describe the importance of the species in their environment.
They help to control the growth of bamboo and they’re food for predator like snow leopard. They are also an indicator of the health of the forest where they live and helps to protect other animals like some types of bird species.
Explain whether climate change or any environmental issue threatens their reproduction.
Because of the deforestation, the red pandas are losing their environment, which means that they are losing their principal food, bamboo. The bamboo has only a few nutriments to take care of 2 or more cubs, that’s why only one cub survive until the adulthood. But with the deforestation, the level of natality is lower than before. The programs of reproduction don’t help much, because the red pandas are selective for their mate.
How would the loss of the species from their habitat affect humans? 
First, the growth of plants like bamboo will be out of control and that will affect other plants that are food for other animals, not only that, but red pandas are also food for animals like arctic fox, which means that their diet will be affected by this losing, so that will affect the arctic fox and their live, this can cause the reduction of these species because of the lose of one part of their diet. Protecting the red panda means that you need to protect other animals around them, that’s why is important to protect them.
With this evidence, I got more information about the state of two of my favourite’s animals, but I discovered that each animal in their food chain contribute to each other to survive and control their environment. If one of these animals are lost, that going to affect all the ecosystem around them, which means that more animals can be in dangerous or even lost with these. They even help us to indicate the state of our environment and with medicine that can help us to cure different diseases. That’s why is important to investigate about them and protect them.
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