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TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - Yolanda Moreno torres

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I’m Yolanda Moreno, I’m from Cunduacan, Tabasco, I actually live here in Tabasco with my family. One of my favorite hobbies is singing and spending time with my Friends and Family.
I like math and chemistry, in my career is very important so, I learned to like them.
A special talent that I have is singing, I used to go to classes and I think it is an special and natural talent,
My grandmother does a very Delicious mole, she is very good at cooking, she also does an incredible spaguetti, I think those are my favorite foods.
Lot of people including my family, always tell me that I look exactly like my Father, and I agree with that too, but my dad is a bit serious and I am not, I’m sociable , and my dad is more reserved.

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