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Zero Conditional 
If you burn large quantities of fossil fuels, you release a lot of 
carbon dioxide pollution into the atmosphere. 
When cows eat grass, methane gas builds up in their 
digestive systems. 
TWO clauses 
 They start with IF or WHEN 
They are in simple present 
Talk about facts (something true) 
p.58 act 3
If everyone brings water in reusable flasks, we’ll reduce our plastic 
We’ll reduce our plastic waste if everyone brings water in reusable 
We’ll save a lot of trees if we recycle all the paper we use. 
TWO clauses 
 Notice that when the if clause comes second, we do not use a comma. 
The IF clause is in simple present and the main clause in Future Will 
Talk about real possibilities. 

Answer p.62 act 4