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N O T E O N T H E T R A I N I N G O F G I R L S 
IT is a great pleasure to me to record my strong sense of the 
value of the Margaret Morris Movement training as a contribu-
tion to physical culture in the case of girls, and of the help 
which this clearly written account of the methods of the 
movement may be to teachers. I have seen the good effect 
of the Margaret Morris Movement on improving posture, an 
all-important factor in the health of girls, as well as in their 
good appearance, for which also the stress laid on the aesthetic 
side on grace and ease of movement is essential. I am 
convinced that the association of breathing with all exercises 
is of great moment. I feel that Miss Morris' willingness to 
co-operate with other Schemes of Physical Culture marks her 
movement as a contribution of the greatest benefit to national 
health and especially to the work done in girls' schools. 
M A R Y W O L S E L E Y - L E W I S , 
Late Headmistress of 
North Foreland School for Girls. 
March, 1937. 