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¡Estudia con miles de materiales!

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The Welding Institute of Canada» as the host organization for the 11th 
International Thermal Spraying Conference» ITSC ■86, is pleased to offer this 
publication of the Conference and Poster Session papers presented in Montreal» 
Canada» September 1986. 
In addition» the volume contains the papers for concurrent sessions on the 
related field of surfacing by welding. 
The response to the call for technical contributions was outstanding and this 
publication forms a unique reference of the latest technological advances in 
this important field. 
I am pleased» on behalf of the Welding Institute of Canada» and as Chairman of 
ITSC '86 Organizing Committee» to introduce this unique reference publication· 
Dr. Norman F. Eaton 
President» Welding Institute of Canada 
Chairman» Organizing Committee ITSC v86 

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