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¡Estudia con miles de materiales!

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This book was a delight to write, pushing me into fields where my intel-
lect had to be quick, climbing across mixed-rock in a fluid dance, without
protection. This project begin in shared presentations with Haskell
Wexler on the Science of Story. Much thanks goes again to Kathleen
Broyles for her editing and her delightful illustrations that provide insight
and lightness in sometimes heavy surf. Richard Moore, the pastoral pro-
fessor of white whales, pushed the concept of story into the arc of this
work. The reader will be appreciative. The calligraphy figure in
Chapter 4, Testing for Machine Consciousness, and the cover picture are
my own. The cover petroglyph is of a shaman, one of many images on
the hunting shrine at Big Arsenic Springs-in what President Obama
designated as Rio Grande del Norte National Monument, a place I visit
often as a Site Watch monitor for the State of New Mexico. The picture
is taken as the sun crests the ridge, just days after the autumn equinox,
when the image changes so quickly from moment to moment, that it
leaps from the rock, almost alive.