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HIV & AIDS Review 12 (2013) 108
Contents l ists avai lable at ScienceDirect
HIV & AIDS Review
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/hivar
Aleksandra Szymczak, Poland
Milosz Parczewski, Poland
Xiaomeng Wu, United States
Iwona Cielniak, Poland
Olufemi E. Akanni, Nigeria
Muheez Alani Durosinmi, Nigeria
Brygida Knysz, Poland
Monika Baciaga-Jasik, Poland
Liron Pantanowitz, United States
Arvydas Ambrozaitis, Lithuania
Mario Fernandez-Ruiz, Spain
Zbigniew Izdebski, Poland
Cristina Valente, Portugal
Francis Hyera, South Africa
Festus Khayundi, Kenya
Acknowledgement of Reviewers
The Editors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the following researchers, who reviewed the manuscripts published 
in HIV & AIDS Review in 2013.