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Dedicação a Professores e Família

¡Estudia con miles de materiales!

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This book is dedicated to Prof. Jerry R. McGhee and Prof. Pearay L. Ogra for their pioneering
scientific contributions in the area of Mucosal Immunology and Mucosal Vaccine. Together with
HK, they contributed their expertise as the editorial team of 1st edition of “Mucosal Vaccines”
published in 1996. Without the institutional memory of the original book, we could not edit the
current version of Mucosal Vaccines: Innovation for Preventing Infectious Diseases.
Finally, the book is also dedicated to our families,
Momoyo and Erika Kiyono;
Virginia, Michelle, Monica, Luke, and Michael A., Sr., Pascual
for their support and understanding during the preparation of this book.