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Amnistía Internacional acusa a Ucrania de utilizar a la población civil, edificios públicos como hospitales y escuelas como escudo ante los embates...

...de los rusos, ¿qué tan cierto es?

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Lo curioso del caso es que el 99,9 de los informes de Amnistía Internacional, no durante la guerra, sino mucho antes del conflicto, se han basado en denunciar presuntas "atrocidades" del "régimen" de Putin. Hay que tener en cuenta que la presidencia de AI llegó a ser ocupada por una sujeta muy ligada al Departamento de Estado USA, con lo que la credibilidad de AI es mínima.

No obstante, ha bastado que publicaran un informe sobre los métodos y procedimientos de los "heroicos resistentes ucranianos" para que le llueva mierda desde todas las direcciones. Amnistía Internacional ha tenido que pedir disculpas por la "angustia" que le ha creado a los pobres ukronazis.

Los procedimientos basados en usar a los civiles como escudos humanos se han estado denunciando desde el principio de la operación militar especial. Ni siquiera era necesario que AI lo denunciara:

Esto da fe de la feroz dictadura dogmática y propagandística que se ha apoderado de Occidente.

Amnistía es una herramienta del Imperio, siempre lo ha sido. La pregunta es ¿por qué este informe sale ahora? Aunque es una buena señal, cabe preguntarse:

1. ¿La ONG está tratando de salvar su trasero y mantener la credibilidad después de 5 meses de conflicto?

2. ¿Se están utilizando para justificar un retiro en apoyo del régimen?

3. ¿Es un signo de fracturas en el frente único del Imperio?

El Régimen "ejemplar" conducido por un actor televisivo ha cometido una innumerable cantidad de crímenes desde el golpe de Estado de 2014. No sólo contra la población del Donbass, sino contra todas las minorías del país.

Que una organización como Amnistía Internacional "se atreva" a publicar un informe sobre las prácticas del "heroico" ejército ucraniano es una mala señal para el showman. Significa que Estados Unidos ya está harto de enviar dinero, y armas que acaban en el mercado negro.

Y esperad, porque el show todavía no ha acabado. Sky News criticó a Zelensky y a su Régimen muy duramente hace unos días. CBS tuvo que retirar un documental donde se explicaban los métodos que ha estado empleando la "democracia" ucraniana para silenciar a gran parte de su población de habla rusa.

CBS Censors Own Documentary After Ukraine Outraged
CBS has censored its own documentary investigative reporting after an avalanche of pushback from supporters of Ukraine and its military. The segment highlighted that tons of weaponry shipped from the United States to the country's military has gone missing, and sounded the alarm as billions in dollars more have been pledged by the Biden administration. "CBS partially retracted a documentary in which it said that shipments of weapons to Ukraine from the US had been going missing," Insider reports Monday. " CBS tweeted on Monday that it had removed a a video promoting the documentary that included a months-old quote saying most aid was not making it to Ukraine's front lines." Below is the deleted tweet, with the offending line of "30% of it [US-supplied arms and munitions] reaches its final destination." Terrifying how swiftly and obediently the corporate media walks back facts that are undesirable for the regime. https://t.co/SqafRmOnr0 — Hans Mahncke (@HansMahncke) August 8, 2022 The segment, titled "Arming Ukraine" was published days ago, and follows on the heels of Pentagon and US intelligence officials issuing similar warnings that there are few mechanisms in place to legitimately track the arms flowing into the country. One admin official even described in April that , "we have fidelity for a short time, but when it enters the fog of war, we have almost zero. It drops into a big black hole, and you have almost no sense of it at all after a short period of time ." The fresh CBS reporting added to these concerns, quoting the the head of a Lithuania-based organization supplying the Ukrainian military, Jonas Ohman, who said bluntly: "All of this stuff goes across the border, and then something happens, kind of like 30% of it reaches its final destination ." Ohman stressed that actually getting the weapons to the designated Ukrainian army units involves having to navigate an array of "power lords, oligarchs [and] political players." This also as there have been persistent reports that some weapons end up on the black market, or might possibly be moved outside Ukraine. Don’t worry, @CBSNews , I saved it. pic.twitter.com/jiJorgw18F — Viva Frei (@thevivafrei) August 8, 2022 A senior crisis adviser with Amnesty International also told CBS in the documentary, "What is really worrying is that some countries that are sending weapons do not seem to think that it is their responsibility to put in place a very robust oversight mechanism." Officials with the Ukrainian government promptly accused the mainstream US network of playing into "Russian propaganda" . Along with a widespread social media backlash from Kiev's supporters and pundits, this was apparently enough for CBS to announce it is "updating" the segment, with some of the offending lines now dropped... CBS claims this documentary is now "being updated" after it received a giant tsunami of trolling from those who were upset at the information being reported. The original link was taken down: pic.twi

La tapa de un WC maloliente se está levantando poco a poco.

Estos pequeños signos de medios y organizaciones occidentales que "se atreven" a cuestionar a la "heroica" Ucrania son el primer síntoma de que el juego se ha acabado para Zelensky.

Winter is coming. Reino Unido ya está avisando de cortes de suministro en todo el país para este invierno. 75.000 británicos aseguran que van a impagar las facturas de gas y electricidad.

"Revolution Has Begun": 75,000 Brits To Stop Paying Power Bills Amid Inflation Storm
The resistance is growing as more than 75,000 irritated people in the UK have pledged not to pay their electricity bill this fall when prices jump again. "75,000 people have pledged to strike on October 1st! If the government & energy companies refuse to act then ordinary people will! Together we can enforce a fair price and affordable energy for all," tweeted " Don't Pay UK ," an anonymous group spearheading the effort to have more than one million Brits boycott paying their power bill by Oct. 1. ???? 75,000 people have pledged to strike on October 1st! If the government & energy companies refuse to act then ordinary people will! Together we can enforce a fair price and affordable energy for all. https://t.co/RYOlAVoLqd #dontpayuk pic.twitter.com/HeF4RiOVVH — Don't Pay. (@dontpayuk) August 5, 2022 The strike comes as an inflation storm of high energy prices has obliterated household incomes. Brits are the most miserable in three decades as inflation is expected to hit 13%. And while Bank of England (BoE) Governor Andrew Bailey hiked interest rates the most in 27 years to tame inflation, risks are mounting of a recession. On Oct. 1, the average household will pay almost £300 a month for power, the BoE warned. Couple surging power costs with negative real wage growth, and it becomes apparent households are being squeezed. This excludes soaring prices for shelter, food, and petrol at the pump -- this trend is unsustainable and could result in social instabilities . British news outlet Glasgow Live said the strike is similar to the "action in the late 1980s and '90s to fight against the poll tax brought in by PM Margaret Thatcher. In protest, 17 million people refused to pay." UK financial journalist and broadcaster Martin Lewis said this about the strike: "I think I can categorise it more accurately now, the big movement that I am seeing is an increase of growth in people calling for a non-payment of energy bills, mass non-payment. Effectively a consumer strike on energy bills and getting rid of the legitimacy of paying that. "We are getting close to a Poll Tax moment on energy bills coming into October and we need the Government to get a handle on that, because once it starts becoming socially acceptable not to pay energy bills people will stop paying energy bills and you're not going to cut everyone off." Meanwhile, Ofgem (UK energy regulator) Chief Executive Jonathan Brearley told BBC Radio 4's Today on Saturday that people shouldn't join the strike for two reasons. "First of all, it will drive up costs for everyone across the board. And secondly, if you are facing difficulty in paying your bill, the best thing you can do is get in touch with your energy company." He added: 'I would not encourage anyone to withhold their paying their bill because that just damages things further and it will impact them personally.' Last week, the UK government slammed the movement, calling it "highly irresponsible." "This is highly irresponsible messaging, which ul

La teleserie del "heroico" actor está en sus últimos capítulos.


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