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What are the features of Google Calendar? a) Sharing calendars, sending invitations, subscribing to public calendar feeds, searching for events, ...

What are the features of Google Calendar?

a) Sharing calendars, sending invitations, subscribing to public calendar feeds, searching for events, mobile access, and event publishing.
b) Storage, multi-platform support, support for any file type, privacy, security and protection.
c) Integration with other platforms, relational databases, dashboard management, digital office, and sharing calendars.
d) None of the above.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

Actividad de Aprendizaje 3 Software y aplicaciones que ayudan a mejorar la Productividad Empresarial
11 pag.

Tecnologias Instituto Superior De Artes EscenicasInstituto Superior De Artes Escenicas

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