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How to teach auditory learning students? Address your students with auditory words (listen, hear, tell me, express, talk, I'm all ears, etc.), in...

How to teach auditory learning students?

Address your students with auditory words (listen, hear, tell me, express, talk, I'm all ears, etc.), in a medium tone of voice and medium speed.
Use variation in your voice: pause, volume, emphasize important words in your presentation.
Use auditory gestures while teaching.
Have them repeat new concepts out loud.
Use music to stimulate their sounds.
Use motivating words, they are very important for someone who is auditory, they will memorize them.
Have your student repeat the class to their classmate.
Create songs or raps with key concepts.
Tell riddles, some jokes, anecdotes, examples from daily life, biographies, news.
Make oral summaries of previous classes emphasizing key words.
Talk about your students' successes, how well they have learned and what you expect them to achieve now.

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