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What is the definition of the term 'Abalaustrada' in Civil Engineering Glossary? a) It refers to a very ornate Renaissance or Baroque column. b) ...

What is the definition of the term 'Abalaustrada' in Civil Engineering Glossary?

a) It refers to a very ornate Renaissance or Baroque column.
b) It is a hollow or opening in a wall whose width increases from the frames or jambs on one or both sides of the wall.
c) It is the progressive increase in the height of a reinforced concrete beam.
d) It is the effect of transporting material from one place to another, commonly done with trucks or any tool that can carry material inside it.
e) It is a chemical substance used to improve the characteristics of concrete, used at the time of mixing and divided into accelerators, retardants, and high resistance to sulfates.
f) It is a coarse-textured alluvial clay found in arid regions of America, used as a construction material but not recommended for foundations when saturated with water.
g) It refers to natural sands, gravels, and crushed stone used to form the mixture that gives rise to concrete, constituting about 75% of this mixture.
h) It is the effect of anchoring slopes, a hole is made in the slope, steel rods are inserted and concrete is poured inside, serving to self-support the slope and prevent detachment.
i) They are steel elements used for workers to reach elevated levels in a construction, such as roofs and high walls, also used as formwork for slabs, divided into mobile and static scaffolding.
j) It is the effect of giving the desired finish to a wall or ceiling, commonly done with mortar.
k) It is a curved beam whose radius of curvature is very large compared to the width of the section.
l) It is a set of rock particles from 0.05 to 2 mm, part of the aggregates used for concrete mixture and a good material for foundations as long as they do not contain water within their structure.
m) It is the arrangement of steel bars in a construction in such a way that it functions as a system together with the concrete that will be placed later.
n) It is a coplanar system of structural elements joined together at their ends to form a stable framework, commonly forming triangular elements so that the entire system is stable.
o) It is a black residue from petroleum, commonly known as 'chapopote', composed of hydrocarbons and commonly used for road construction.
p) It is a steel structural element used to provide stability to the cross-section of a beam.
q) It is an angle measured clockwise from a reference line, usually the meridian.
r) It is a cylindrical excavation made in the ground to study the composition of the soil or to introduce explosives and obtain material from the explosion.
s) It is an official and legally binding notebook that serves as a communication tool between the Department, the Contractor, and the Supervisor, in which the outstanding facts and issues that in some way affect the project or the execution of the work are recorded.
t) It is the work performed by an alternative volumetric motor to expel the combustion products and aspirate the fresh charge. It can also refer to the curvature of the profile of the road section to favor the drainage of rainwater.
u) It refers to a gemstone cut by polishing and not by

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Mecânica dos Solos I Universidad Nacional De ColombiaUniversidad Nacional De Colombia

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