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What are the characteristics of vertebrates according to the book 'Apuntes de Zoología' by Ana G. Moreno? I - Possess a vertebral column composed ...

What are the characteristics of vertebrates according to the book 'Apuntes de Zoología' by Ana G. Moreno?

I - Possess a vertebral column composed of vertebrae, which is the main skeletal axis of the body.
II - Have a skull that covers the brain.
III - Have pharyngotremia, which are gill slits separated by skeletal arches.
IV - Have a notochord that is more or less replaced by the vertebral column and generally disappears in adults.
V - Have an endoskeleton composed of the vertebral column, skull, visceral arches, appendicular girdles, and two pairs of appendages.
VI - Have a tegument composed of the epidermis and dermis.
VII - Have a well-developed musculature that inserts into the skeleton.
VIII - Have a digestive tube provided with large digestive glands.
IX - Have a closed circulatory system with a ventral heart and paired aortic arches that connect the dorsal and ventral aortas.
X - Have a well-developed coelom.
XI - Have an excretory system formed by paired kidneys that drain into the cloaca or anal region.
XII - Have a brain divided into five vesicles and 10 to 12 pairs of cranial nerves that innervate the olfactory, visual, and statoacoustic organs.
XIII - Have an autonomic nervous system that controls the involuntary functions of internal organs.
XIV - Have an endocrine system composed of ductless glands dispersed throughout the body.
XV - Do not reproduce asexually.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

465-2013-08-22-M4 VERTEBRADOS
5 pag.

Física Colégio ObjetivoColégio Objetivo

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