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What are the tendencies of the Roman law during the period of Justinian's codification? I - Clasicist tendency, which aimed to preserve and system...

What are the tendencies of the Roman law during the period of Justinian's codification?

I - Clasicist tendency, which aimed to preserve and systematize jurisprudence.
II - Stabilizing tendency, which established the preeminence of legislated law through imperial constitutions.
III - Simplifying tendency, which reduced and eliminated complicated distinctions and nuances from classical legal literature.
IV - Hellenizing tendency, which adopted Greek legal institutions and terminology.
V - Humanizing tendency, which was initiated by the Stoic doctrine and joined the Christianizing current since Constantine.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

04 Introducción al derecho romano autor Universidad América Latina
26 pag.
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