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What are the ecographic findings in cases of cystitis in cats? Presence of irregular thickening of the bladder wall Presence of increased echogenic...

What are the ecographic findings in cases of cystitis in cats?
Presence of irregular thickening of the bladder wall
Presence of increased echogenicity of urine
Presence of stones or clots in the bladder lumen
Distension of the bladder and urethra in cases of obstruction
Presence of gas in the bladder wall and lumen in cases of emphysematous cystitis
The most common cause of feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) is idiopathic cystitis
Cystitis can be associated with obstruction of the urethra
Cystitis can be associated with inflammation of the fat around the urethra
Cistitis incrustans is a type of cystitis characterized by mineralization of the mucosal surface of the bladder
Cystitis glandular is a type of cystitis associated with a retained catheter
a) I, II, III, IV and V are correct.
b) I, II, III and IV are correct.
c) II, III, IV and V are correct.
d) I, III, IV and V are correct.
e) II, III and IV are correct.
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