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During hospitalization, what factors affect the quality of sleep? What are the consequences of sleep disturbances in hospitalized patients? How can...

During hospitalization, what factors affect the quality of sleep? What are the consequences of sleep disturbances in hospitalized patients? How can the quality of sleep be assessed?
Factors that affect the quality of sleep during hospitalization
Consequences of sleep disturbances in hospitalized patients
Assessment of sleep quality
The hospitalization itself alters the circadian rhythms and affects the quality of sleep.
Sleep disturbances can cause psychological and physical consequences, such as anxiety, delirium, elevated blood pressure, and immune system alterations.
Factors that affect sleep quality during hospitalization include pre-existing sleep disorders, habitual sedative use, patient anxiety, environmental variables, and the cause of hospitalization.
Assessment of sleep quality can be done through subjective methods, such as interviews and observation of signs and symptoms, or objective methods, such as diagnostic tests like polysomnography.

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