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Critique the 'banking' concept of education and present the problematizing conception of education and liberation. The banking concept of educatio...

Critique the 'banking' concept of education and present the problematizing conception of education and liberation.

The banking concept of education is characterized by a narrative, discursive, and disertatory nature, in which the educator is the subject and the students are the passive listeners.
The banking concept of education leads to the mechanical memorization of the content narrated, turning students into mere containers to be filled by the educator.
The problematizing conception of education and liberation is based on a co-intentional relationship between educators and students, in which both are subjects in the act of discovering and recreating knowledge.
In the problematizing conception of education, knowledge is not a donation from the wise to the ignorant, but rather a result of the constant search and impatience of humans in the world.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

Freire Paulo - Pedagogia del Oprimido
175 pag.

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