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What exercises are proposed for cognitive stimulation on Day 13? 1. Orientation temporal 2. Memory 3. Reasoning 4. Praxias I. Trying to remember wh...

What exercises are proposed for cognitive stimulation on Day 13?
1. Orientation temporal
2. Memory
3. Reasoning
4. Praxias
I. Trying to remember what is celebrated on certain dates.
II. Choosing cards from the Memory game and answering questions about the objects on the cards.
III. Answering questions about which objects should be taken to different places.
IV. Identifying the direction of arrows and coloring them according to their direction.
a) I, II, III, and IV are correct.
b) II and IV are correct.
c) I and III are correct.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

Alzheimer Cuadernillo de ejercicios de estimulación cognitiva
72 pag.

Fonoaudiologia Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro De ManabiUniversidad Laica Eloy Alfaro De Manabi

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