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CalderonEspinoza_Yuliana_M07S3AI6 - lisyu Hernandez

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Mi vida en otra lengua 
Semana 3
Unidad IV. My goals
 Actividad integradora 6. Opening Ceremony
1. Write three questions in English to know the specific information of the opening. Example: Where will the opening take place?
(Escribe tres preguntas en inglés para conocer la información específica de la inauguración. Por ejemplo: ¿Dónde tendrá lugar la inauguración?)
	1. What time will the opening be?
2. Where will be the place of the inauguration?
3. What products will be presented in the opening?
2. Write three questions in English to find out what your partner will do before the opening day. Example: What will you wear for that day? Will you rent a tuxedo?
 (Escribe tres preguntas en inglés para enterarte qué planes tiene tu compañero para hacer antes de la inauguración. Por ejemplo: ¿qué te pondrás ese día?, ¿vas a rentar un esmoquin?
	1. What time will you arrive to the opening?
2. With whom you will be accompanied that day?
3. How will you wear that day?
3. Write the answers to the previous questions. Remember to use long answers. 
 (Escribe las respuestas a las preguntas anteriores. Recuerda usar respuestas largas.)
	1. The opening will be at 8:00 p.m.
2. The opening will take place in the Hard Rock Hotel.
3. At the opening will be presented products for the home.
4. I will arrive at 7:00 p.m.
5. Yes, I will be accompanied that day by my sister.
6. Rent a tuxedo because the opening is an elegant event.
4. In a paragraph of 5 to 8 lines, write how the English can help you to have a better job.
(En un párrafo de 5 a 8 renglones, escribe cómo el inglés puede ayudarte a obtener un mejor trabajo).
Currently speaking English is one of the platforms that lead to having a better job and a different lifestyle. As a student or as an entrepreneur, English is a fundamental basis for our professional growth. To be able to communicate with foreigners and to be able to interact with them in their language is what
that will take us to undertake and consolidate better jobs, as well as to create links that will strengthen our ideas with them.
In the labor field, knowing English opens the doors to many job opportunities, from working a season abroad, or playing a multifunctional role. Is
It is important to start studying and improving our level of English language, simply because English is the universal language spoken, read and written in many parts of the world.	
5. Read and record the paragraph above. Paste the audio link here. 
 (Lee y graba el párrafo anterior. Pega la liga del audio aquí.)
	My audio or URL
(Copy the URL of your audio here.)

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