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1st partial with visuals - KAREN DANAI DIAZ MARTINEZ

¡Estudia con miles de materiales!

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NAME OF THE STUDENT ____________Karen Danai DIaz Martinez_________________________ DATE ___15/02/2023___________
I. Match the names of the following kitchen utensils. Write the number on the line 
 __1___Roasting pan ___6__ cover __5____saucepan __7____frying pan 
___4__double boiler ___2__ roaster __3_____pot _____/ 7
II: Translate the words into English
	1.- pasitas ____raisins_______________
	6.- sandía __watermelon__________________
	2.- piña _________pineapple____________
	7.- ciruela pasa ______plum__________
	3.-durazno _________peach_________
	8.- toronja ________grapefruit____________
	4.- higo __________fig__________
	9.- frambuesa ______raspberry___________
	5.- aguacate ____avocado_____________
	10. fresa ___strawberry__________________
III. Match the vegetables with their descriptions and characteristics. Write the number on the line.
	 1.- cabbage
	_3__dark green outside and light green inside it has a big stone and it is used in a Mexican Salsa
	2.- eggplant
	__6_ the main ingredient of many salads, there are many varieties of this leafy vegetable
	_8__ It is dark red, very sweet and kind of round, we use it in a Christmas salad
	4.- lime
	__7__ It is round and red, juicy and though used in Mediterranean cuisine, we must remember it comes from Mexico …
	5.- spinach
	__4__ More sour than a lemon and green….
	6.- lettuce
	_10___Orange, long and grows under the ground….
	7.- tomato
	__9__ green outside and very pale inside, we do not know if it comes from Italy but it wears a striped suit. Their cousins are made into pumpkin pie
	8.- beet
	__1_ It is round and big, light green – but there is a red variety- it is used in cole slaw. It is a doll too.
	9.- zucchini
	_5___ it is a dark green leaf. You can eat it cooked or raw and rumor has it as source of great energy, but it is a true source or iron.
	10.- carrot
	___2_ an ingredient of ratatouille, big, dark purple outside.
_____ /10
IV. Write the names of the chef custom items 
1- chef hat
3.chef coat / double breasted chef coat 
4-.chef apron
____ /4
V. Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Write the letter on the line ___/8
	a) bitter
	c) stale
	e) rancid
	g) sour
	b) bland
	d) Spicy
	f) savoury
	h) tender
1. If you forget the salt and pepper the food will be _b__ 5 High quality meat which is easy to cut _h__
2. Bread n’ cakes delivered four days ago will be _c__ 6. Indian food is _d__
3. Butter or fat left in the sun will melt and go __e_ 7. Lemon juice is _g__
4. The main course cooked with salt and spices is __f_ 8.The skin of an orange tastes quite _a__
VII Match the product with the category. Write the number on the line ___/10
	 1 milk, butter, cream	
	2 almond and pecan
	3 parsley and basil	
	_1__dairy products
	4 ginger and cinnamon
	__5_dried fruit
	5 raisins and prunes
	6 Rioja, Chianti …
	7 Parmesan, Gouda, 
	8 Béchamel, Espagnole…
	9 wheat and oats
	10 spaghetti, ravioli
VII: Describe a peach according to color (inner and outer), peel, size, shape, outside and inside consistency, and flavour.
The peach is a round fruit with sweet yellow flesh that has a lot of juice, a slightly furry red and yellow skin and a large seed in its center. its a very delicious and sweet fruit.	
VI. The place setting 
Write the name of the objects below ___/9 pointsWATER GLASS