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Evidence 3 LS - jojeen 13

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Evidence 3
1. Point out the name of the era and period for each one of the following ancestral species: eoraptor dinosaur, ichthyosaurs, dragonfly, scorpions, and frilled shark.
Eoraptor dinosaur: The Eoraptor lived in South America more than 200 million years ago in the Late Triassic period.
 	Era: Mesozoic
Ichthyosaurs: It was a dolphine-like dinosaur that lived on Earth at the end of the Triassic period.
 Era: Mosozoic
Dragonfly: the oldest known species of dragonfly is called Delitzschala bitterfeldensis and its 320 million year old. 
Period: Mississippian Era: Paleozoic
Scorpions: arachnids with eight legs, like spiders. They have been around since before the age of the dinosaurs.
 Period: Silurian Era: Paleozoic
Frilled Shark: Was first recognized by Ludwig Döderlein, who visited Japan between 1879 and 1881 and brought two specimens to Vienna.It’s unclear when this specie lived so i will leave the era and period when it was found by Ludwig
Era: Crustaseous Period: ??
2. Mention the habitat and regions of the world where the following endangered species are located.
Bluefin tuna: They habit deep and open oceans. Bluefin Tunas feel comfortable where water is salty and cold because of their warm blood; they prefer water that is below 0°C. 
Oceans are bodies of salt water that cover more than 70 percent of the Earth's surface, and because they are so massive, for studying purposes the ocean was divided into layers or levels. The Bluefin Tuna can be found in the hadopelagic level, which is the darkest and deepest one, and because of that, their encounters with humans are very rare. 
Bluefin Tunas can be found in the Oceans of Newfoundland and Iceland, as well as the in tropical waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the Mediterranean Sea.
 Mexican gray Wolf: They habit grasslands, scrublands and specially mountain forests, which are forests on land with an elevation of 2 500 m above sea level. Because of their elevation and extreme climate, mountain forest have fragile ecosystems. 
Mexican gray wolf can be found around central Mexico and the southwestern U.S. Defenders of the wildlife ensures that today, the Mexican wolf has been reintroduced to the Apache National Forest in Arizona, and may move into the adjacent Gila National Forest in western New Mexico as the population expands. Recently, Mexican wolves have also begun to be reintroduced in Mexico.
Jaguar: They can live in rainforests, scrub, savannas, swampy areas that are seasonally flooded, grassland pampas, and many others. Basically everywhere where there is water, dense vegetation and abundance of prey. This has to do with surviving. They can hide amoung vegetation to stalk their prey and provide shelter for their offspring. 
They are found in the Amazon basin, Argentina, Bolivia, Belize, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Guyana, French Guiana, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Suriname, Peru, Venezuela and the United States.
3. Identify the actions of the last few years that have led to the extinction of the three species mentioned above (at least one action for each species) and analyze the difference between this type of extinction and the one that has happened through natural selection in remote times.
Bluefin tuna: Overfishing, contamination
Mexican gray wolf: Hunting, industries, climate change
Jaguar: Deforestation, hunting, illegal traffic of exotic animals
The world has seen infinite amounts of gorgeous and extravagant animals gone extinct since forever. It’s something natural when extinction happens because of evolutionary problems, however when species perished because of the human activities is as worrying as climate change.
Ancestral species were extinct because of natural extinction, which is caused by natural death or when the conditions of the species have deteriorated over the centuries and their habitat is no longer compatible with them. Actual species are being extinct because of conscient or inconscient human activities (also called provoked extinction).
4. Explain in detail how the extinction of each of the above species is impacting or could impact other living beings and the environment.
	Species in risk of extinction
	Impact in other species
	Bluefin tuna
	Because Bluefin Tunas are top predators, their eating habits help keep balance in the marine life. Over abundance of smaller organisms might affect the entire underwater ecosystem. 
	Mexican gray wolf
	 Without Mexican wolves, elk and deer are free to dawdle in valleys and by streams, eating their fill and degrading the ecosystem
	 Jaguars are also top predators, so they play an important role in controlling the populations of other species. This helps keep a balance in the food chain, and a healthy environment.
5. Write suggestions (one for each species) to avoid the extinction of the species and explain the importance of this type of activities so that human beings become aware of the risk we are in altering biological processes.
Bluefin Tuna: I think if we raise awareness through tv and radio commercials, people will start joining campaigns to claim politicians to do something about this issue. Also it would be a good thing if we stop or at least reduce consuming this and many other fish species. 
Mexican gray wolf: While doing the research for this evidence I read an article about some U.S agents that mass-killed 900 wolves of this specie which made me think ‘’Woa, so people still has perjuries on wolves’’. So I think the first step is to stop the misunderstanding of wolves. The same as bluefin tuna, knowledge will make things happen. 
Jaguar: Because almost everyone knows about the existence of this specie, I think the best suggestion to stop their extinction would be doing something to stop climate change, because it's the main cause of their extinction. Also, avoid newly made houses but already-used houses. 
6. Write a conclusion about the research where you talk about the learning achieved and the usefulness of it.
I'm sure I would never forget the the things I learned in this evidence. I had to do a though research to fulfill the whole rubic but I had a good time doing it so I didn't suffer (just a little). 
In the future I will keep promoting the importance of animals so that other people fight for them. And thanks to this research learned I think I will convince a big amount people :)
National Geographic. (n.d.). Scorpion. Retrieved April 26, 2019, from https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/animals/scorpion/#scorpion-range-map.jpg
Dinosaurios.info. (n.d.). Eoraptor. Retrieved April 26, 2019, from https://www.dinosaurios.info/d-eoraptor.html
Dinosaurios. (n.d.). Ichthyosaurus: un tierno delfín de hace millones de años. Retrieved April 26, 2019, from https://dinosaurioss.com/triasico/carnivoros-t/ichthyosaurus/
Animal Corner. (n.d.). Dragonfly. Retrieved April 26, 2019, from https://animalcorner.co.uk/animals/dragonfly/
ScienceViews. (n.d.). The Geologic Time Scale. Retrieved April 26, 2019, from http://scienceviews.com/dinosaurs/geologictime.html
Natural Geographic. (n.d.). Atlantic Bluefin Tuna. Retrieved April 26, 2019, from https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/fish/a/atlantic-bluefin-tuna/

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