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The importance of Friendship-Paola Vasconez - Ariel Canchigña

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The importance of Friendship
Friends are an essential part of people's daily lives. During the life we have a lot of friends, but few of them are connect with us and is there when we look the true friendship and the importance that it has in our lives. 
 Having friends is important because they give us help and support. When we have problems or bad moments it is when we look the need to have a friend to support us and their value to help us overcome difficult situations in our lives. For example, a friend helps you to study for a test or explains a homework you don’t understand. 
Also the friends are important for our emotional health. For example, if you are alone or sad you will sick, but if you have friends you will be happy because they give you encouragement and fun. 
In conclusion, the importance of having friends is very significant because it not only helps us in difficult times, but also brings us emotional health and increases our self-esteem.
Paola Vasconez

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