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virologia-medica (369)

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Bibliografía (Capítulos 23.1, 23.2 y 23.3)
tions of the central nervous system". J Clin Virol
Clin Microbiol Rev
Ann Intern 
et al. 
N Engl 
J Med
S, et al.
pregnancy". N Engl J Med
Infect Dis Clin North Am
"Use of PCR for the diagnosis of herpesvirus infections of the central 
nervous system". J Clin Virol
J Clin Virol
Clin Microbiol Rev
lla during pregnancy. Maternal and fetal effects". West J Med
Semin Pediatr Infect Dis
Medical Microbio-
logy, 4th ed., Mosby, Inc. An inprint of Elsevier Science: St. Louis, 
herpes during pregnancy: no lesions, no cesarean". Obstet Gynecol 
strategies". Pediatr Infect Dis
Essentials of Diagnostic Virology
CE, Steinberg SP, et al. "Effectiveness over time of varicella vaccine. 
dren and adolescents". Semin Pediatr Infect Dis
century: the impact of vaccination". J Infect Dis 
Capítulo 23 / Herpesvirus