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h2otank(tanque elevado metalico)

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	Tamaño real de lámina			Tamaño Real
	Ancho	6	pies	5.97	1.82	m
	Largo	20	pies	19.95	6.08	m
	Peso agua	1000	kg/m3
	Dámetro	6.7	m	Ing. Rivera
	Numero de anillos	4		Honduras
	Altura	7.28	m
	Vtanque	283.95	m3
	Capacidad	75011.1	Gal
	Acero estructural	A-36	36000	lb/pulg2
	f'c	280	kg/cm2
	fy	2800	kg/cm2
	Espesores de tanque
	th =2.6hDg/fE
	E =	0.35	Para tanque simple y soldadura continua
	Primera fila anillo 4
	th =	0.19	pulg
		4.95	mm	<	9	mm
	Segunda fila anillo 3
	th =	0.15	pulg
		3.71	mm	<	7	mm
	Tercera fila anillo 2
	th =	0.10	pulg
		2.48	mm	<	5	mm
	Cuarta fila anillo 1
	th =	0.05	pulg
		1.24	mm	<	5	mm
	Diseño de torre			5			1.15
	Numero de columnas, N =	6
	Altura de torre, HT =	10	m	5
	Diametro de torre	8.7	m
	Peso acero A-36	7849	kg/m3	5
	Numero de espacios, Nesp. =	4					7.28
	Lamina de acero	5	mm	7
	Altura Techo inclinado	1.15	m
	Longitud inclinada techo	3.5419	m	9
	Area techo	39.41	m2
	Peso de techo	1546.70	kg	9
				2.5			1.55
	Lamina de fondo	9.00	mm
	Altura fondo de tanque	1.55	m
	Longitud inclinada	3.6912	m
	Area fondo tanque	42.80	m2	2.5
	Peso fondo	3023.73	kg				10
	Area anillo	35.26	m2	2.5
	Peso anillo 1	1503.15	kg
	Peso anillo 2	1503.15	kg
	Peso anillo 3	2104.42	kg
	Peso anillo 4	2705.68	kg	2.5
	Wtanque vacio	12386.83	kg
	Waditamientos (10%)	13625.51	kg		8.7
	Peso real tanque vacio	13.63	ton
	Wtanque lleno	297.580	ton
	v =	100	mph
		160.93	kph
	Presion=.00483V2	125.09	kg/m2
		kg/m2	m2	(AWWA 3.1.4)	kg	m	kg-m
	Cubierta techo	125.09	3.85	0.5	240.95	17.66	4255
	Cilindro techo	125.09	48.77	0.6	3660.17	13.64	49925
	Fondo tanque	125.09	5.19	0.5	324.76	9.48	3079
	WF 12x12	125.09	18.42	2.0	4608.30	5.00	23042
					8834.19		80300.29
	Zona sismica =	3	m
	Htorre =	10	m
	Dtorre =	8.7	m
	Htanque =	7.28	m
	Dtanque =	6.7	m
	Ncol =	6
	Fs =ZIKCSWtanque lleno
	Z	I	K	S	J	H'
	0.75	1.0	2.5	1.5	0.091	13.64
	T=JH'/(D).5 =	0.42
	C =1/15(T)0.5 =	0.10
	CS =	0.15				.
	Fs =	83.69	ton
	Ms =FsH' =	1141.53	ton-m	(6 columnas)
	F' =M/Htorre =	114.15	ton/m
	fn =F'/Ncol =	19.03	ton
	DESCRIPCION	Pn =	(-1)W/N	±	2M/R'N	SUMA	Sentido
						kg	Carga
	Tanque vacio + viento		-2270.92		7990.08	-10261.00	Abajo
					(uplift)	5719.16	Arriba
	Tanque lleno + viento		-49596.67		7990.08	-57586.75	Abajo
						-41606.59	Abajo
	Tanque lleno sin viento		-49596.67			-49596.67	Abajo
	Tanque lleno + sismo		-49596.67		113585.07	-163181.74	Abajo
						63988.40	Arriba
	Por viento =	1.16	<	1.25
				Usar 25% de incremento en esf. admisibles
	Por sismo =	3.29	>	1.33
				Usar 33.333% de incremento en esf. admisibles
						WF	Peso
	Numero de columnas, N =	6			1 to 21	14" x 14"
	Altura de torre, Htorre =	10	m		22 to 35	12" x 12"
	Numero de espacios, Ne =	4			36 to 49	10" x 10"
	Altura de espacios, Hesp. =	2.5	m		50 to 59	8" x 8"
	Pn max =	163181.74	kg
	0.75Pnmx =	122386.30	kg
					ALAS		Espesor
			Seccion	Altura	Ancho	Espesor	Alma
	Numero de seccion	27		pulg	pulg	pulg	pulg
	Tipo de seccion	WF	12"x 12"	12.25	12.04	0.671	0.43
	Area =	21.16	pulg2
	W =	72	lb/pie				0.671
	Ix =	597.4	pulg4
	Sx =	97.5	pulg3
	rx =	5.31	pulg
	Iy =	195.3	pulg4		0.43		12.25
	Sy =	32.4	pulg3
	ry	3.04	pulg
	Kx =	1					0.671
	Ky =	0.85			12.04
	Kxl/rx =	47.08
	Kyl/ry =	69.90
	Fax =	15930	lb/pulg2	?
	Fay =	14620	lb/pulg2	?
	fa =Pn/A =	12747.6	<	14620
	Numero de vigas, Nv =	18
	Lv =	3.85	m
	H = F' =	114.15	ton/m
	TDH	19.03	ton	41.93	kips
						CUAD	Peso
					1 to 3	16" x 16"
					4 to 7	14" x 14"
					9 to 12	12" x 12"
					14 to 18	10" x 10"
					20 to 25	8" x 8"
					27 to 31	7" x 7"
					33 to 37	6" x 6"
					39 to 37	5" x 5"
	Numero de seccion, Ns =	37
	SECCION CUADRADA	6" x 6"	0 3/16
	A =	27.55	cm2	4.27	pulg2
	Ix =	990.64	cm4	23.8	pulg4
	Sx =	129.95	cm3	7.93	pulg3
	rx =	5.99	cm	2.36	pulg
	ry =	5.99	cm	2.36	pulg
	W =	21.62	kg/m	14.53	lb/pie
	fa =	9819.67	lb/pulg2
	Kx =	1	Ky =	0.85
	Kxl/rx =	64.2
	Kyl/ry =	54.59
	Fax =	14990	lb/pulg2	16655.5555555556
	Fay =	15554	lb/pulg2	17282.2222222222
	Ft =0.6Fy	21600	lb/pulg2
	Areq =	1.94	pulg2	<	4.27	pulg2
	Rel. de esbeltez L/r max pref. =	300
	l/r =	64.2		<	300	OK !!!
	Cantidad =	6		TnsA
	LT =	4.59	m		Øn
	lx =0.5LT	2.30	m		TnR		2.5
	K =	0.85
	H = Fs =	83.69	ton			3.85
		184504.49	lb	ßn =	90
	TanØn =	32.9977		Senßn =	1.00
	Øn =	33	grados	CosØn =	0.8386705679
	TnR =2HSenßn/NCosØn =	73332.1	lb			Viento
	TnA = 0.75TnR	54999.10	lb
	Numero de seccion	5	Doble	Øn
	Tipo de Seccion =	4" x 4" x 5/16"
	Peso de seccion, W =	16.4	lb/pie
	Area real, A =	4.8	pulg2
	Ix =	7.43	pulg4
	Sx =	2.58	pulg3
	rx =	1.24	pulg
	ry =	1.80	pulg
					Max.ßn =90
	Kxl/rx =	61.9
	Fax =	15140.0	lb/pulg2
	fa =	11458.1	lb/pulg2	<	15140.0	lb/pulg2	OK !!!
		1.94	<	4.8
	Cap. de soporte del suelo	3	kg/cm2	(asumido)
	F'c =	280	kg/cm2	0.7	0.6	0.7
	Fy =	2800	kg/cm2
	Peso concreto.	2400	kg/m3
	Numero de columnas, N =	6
	Peso columna =	49596.67	kg
	M =	13383.38	kg - m	2		0.4
	Ancho =	2	m
	Largo =	2	m
	Espesor =	0.4	m
	Largo pedestal =	0.6			2
	Ancho pedestal =	0.4
	Area pedestal, Ag =	2400
	Numero de zapataz, Nz =	6
	Altura de desplante	1.5	m
	Peso suelo =	1920	kg/cm3		M
	Altura de desplante	1.35	m		P
	Peso zapata =	3840	kg
	Peso pedestal	634	kg			0.15
	Peso tierra =	6858	kg
	Peso total, P	11332	kg			1.1	lu
				1.5		0.95
	11332	>	5719.16
	No existe subpresion !!
	Diseño del pedestal		0.4
	P' =	50230.27	kg
	e =M/P' =	0.27	m
	e/t =	0.44	<	0.5
		Seccion no agrietada !!
	Columna articulada empotrada
	K = t2/2r2
	r = d/(3)0.3 =	34.64	cm
	K =	1.50
	Esbeltez = lu/d =	1.83	<	10
		Columna corta
	As = 1% del area del pedestal (Refuerzo minimo)
	As =	24	cm2
	Varilla numero =	8
	Diametro varilla, Øv =	2.54	cm
	Area de varilla, Av =	5.07	cm2
	Numero de varillas, Nv =	9.45	Usar	6
	Area real =	30.40	cm2
	Cuantia de acero, p =	0.0127
	f'c =	280
	n =	8
	fs =	1120
	fc =Pe(1± Ke/t)/Ag(1+(n-1)p) =	32.03	kg/cm2
		6.42	kg/cm2
	% de esfuerzos permisibles =	125.00	%
	fcmax =	25.62	kg/cm2
	fa =(0.225f'c+fsp)/(1+(n-1)p =	70.90	kg/cm2
	C = fa/.4f'c =	0.633
	fe =fa(1+k(e/t))/(1+Ck(e/t)) =	83.09	kg/cm2	>	25.62	OK
	Diseño de la zapata
	Area de zapata	40000	cm2
	Zx =	1333333.3333333333	cm3
	Zy =	1333333.3333333333	cm3
	M =	10706.71	kg - m
	P =	40184.21
	P =P/A ± M/Z
	Pmax =	1.81	kg/cm2
	Pmin =	0.20	kg/cm2
			0.7	0.6	0.7
	Flexion				w1
						18076	kg/m2
	X4 =	5621.02	kg/m2
	W1 =	1277	kg/m			X4
	W2 =	672	kg/m		w4
	W3 =	8718.54	kg/m
	W4 =	1967.4	kg/m
	MA =	-3287.51	kg-m/m
	Numero de varilla =	5
	Diametro de varilla Øv =	1.59	cm
	Recubrimiento =	7.5	cm
	d =	31.7	cm
	k =	19.123
	defect =	9.61	<	31.7
	As =	5.71	cm2
	Area varilla, Av =	1.98	cm2
	Numero de varillas, Nv =	2.9	Usar	5
	Espaciamiento =
	Area real =	9.90	cm2
	v =.02f'c =	5.6	kg/cm2
	V =	-8737.10	kg/m
	v =	3.17	kg/cm2	<	5.6	kg/cm2
		#	8
		#	5
		@	45
			#	5
			@	30
	#	8
			#	6
			0.4	0.5		# 3 @ 20
			# 3 @ 15		0.30
		WF	12"x 12"	72	lb/pie
		b =	12
			12.25			d =	12.25
	n	m	0.95d	m
	bf						n ó m
	0.8bf				B
					5	t
	n		d			M =qn2/2
						M =qm2/2
	P =	49596.67	kg
	0.75P =	37197.50	kg	82006.36	lbs
	M =	13383.38	kg-m
	0.75M =	10037.54	kg-m	871218.63	lb-pulg
	M/P =	10.62	pulg	>	d/2	6.13	pulg
		Se requieren
pernos de tension
	0.8bf =	9.60	pulg
	0.95(d+2*2.5) =	16.39	pulg
	C =	22.25	pulg	USAR	22	pulg
	B/C =	0.586			0.56	cm
	B =	13.03	pulg	USAR	14	pulg
					0.36	cm
			d =	19.75
			kd =	8.97
					f ' =	1500
	F'c =	4000	lb/pulg2
	Presion admisible, f ' =		1500	lb/pulg2
	SUMA M = 0
	dist. =	8.625	pulg
	a =	3500	1
	b =	207375	59.25
	c =	1578523.4660591166	451.01
	b2 =	3510.56
	4ac =	1804.03
	Raiz(b2-4ac) =	41.31
	kd =	50.28	pulg
	kd =	8.97	pulg
	SUMA V = 0
	T =	12177.40	lb
	Areq =	0.56	pulg2
	USAR	2	pernos de	3/4"
			3.97		5
	Y =	663.9	lb/pulg2			663.9
	M =	15266.12	lb - pulg
	Fb =0.75Fy =	27000	lb/pulg2
	M =FbS
	S=bt2/6 =
	t =	1.84	pulg	4.68	cm
	USAR	2	pulg	5	cm
	USAR PLACA DE		14" x 22" x 2"
						Alas		Espesor	EJE X - X			EJE Y - Y
		Perfil	Peso	Area	Altura	Anchura	Espesor	del alma	I	S	r	I	S	r
			lb/pie	Pulg	Pulg	Pulg	Pulg	Pulg	Pulg4	Pulg3	Pulg	Pulg4	Pulg3	Pulg
	1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10	11	12	13	14
	1	14" x 14"	426	125.25	18.69	16.695	3.033	1.875	6610.3	707.4	7.26	2359.5	282.7	4.34
	2	14" x 14"	342	100.59	17.56	16.365	2.468	1.545	4911.5	559.4	6.99	1806.9	220.8	4.24
	3	14" x 14"	264	77.63	16.5	15.025	1.938	1.205	3526	427.4	6.74	1331.2	166.1	4.14
	4	14" x 14"	228	67.06	16.0	15.865	1.688	1.045	2942.4	367.8	6.62	1124.8	141.8	4.1
	5	14" x 14"	202	59.39	15.63	15.75	1.503	0.93	2538.8	324.9	6.54	979.7	124.4	4.06
	6	14" x 14"	142	41.85	14.75	15.5	1.063	0.68	1672.2	226.7	6.32	660.1	85.2	3.97
	7	14" x 14"	136	39.98	14.75	14.74	1.063	0.66	1593	216	6.31	560.7	77	3.77
	8	14" x 14"	0	34.99	14.5	14.65	0.938	0.57	1373.1	189.4	6.26	491.8	67.1	3.75
	9	14" x 14"	111	32.65	14.37	14.62	0.873	0.54	1266.5	176.3	6.23	454.9	62.2	3.73
	10	14" x 14"	95	27.94	14.12	14.545	0.748	0.465	1063.5	150.6	6.17	383.7	52.8	3.71
	11	14" x 14"	87	25.56	14.00	14.5	0.688	0.42	966.9	138.1	6.15	349.7	48.2	3.7
	12	14" x 14"	84	24.71	14.18	12.023	0.778	0.451	928.4	130.9	6.13	225.5	37.5	3.02
	13	14" x 14"	78	22.94	14.06	12.00	0.718	0.428	851.2	121.1	6.09	206.9	34.5	3.00
	14	14" x 14"	74	21.76	14.19	10.072	0.783	0.45	796.8	112.3	6.05	133.5	26.5	2.48
	15	14" x 14"	68	20	14.06	10.04	0.718	0.418	724.1	103	6.02	121.2	24.1	2.46
	16	14" x 14"	61	17.94	13.91	10.00	0.643	0.378	641.5	92.2	5.98	107.3	21.5	2.45
	17	14" x 14"	53	15.59	13.94	8.062	0.658	0.37	542.1	77.8	5.9	57.5	14.3	1.92
	18	14" x 14"	43	12.65	13.68	8.00	0.528	0.308	429	62.7	5.82	45.1	11.3	1.89
	19	14" x 14"	38	11.17	14.12	6.776	0.513	0.313	385.3	54.6	5.87	24.6	7.3	1.49
	20	14" x 14"	34	10.00	14.00	6.75	0.453	0.287	339.2	48.5	5.83	21.3	6.3	1.46
	21	14" x 14"	30	8.81	13.86	6.733	0.383	0.27	289.6	41.8	5.73	17.5	5.2	1.41
	22	12" x 12"	190	55.86	14.38	12.67	1.736	1.06	1892.5	263.2	5.82	589.7	93.1	3.25
	23	12" x 12"	120	35.31	13.12	12.32	1.106	0.71	1071.7	163.4	5.51	345.1	56.0	3.13
	24	12" x 12"	106	31.19	12.88	12.23	0.986	0.62	930.7	144.5	5.46	300.9	49.2	3.11
	25	12" x 12"	92	27.06	12.62	12.155	0.856	0.545	788.9	125	5.4	256.4	42.2	3.08
	26	12" x 12"	85	24.98	12.5	12.105	0.796	0.495	723.3	115.7	5.38	235.5	38.9	3.07
	27	12" x 12"	72	21.16	12.25	12.04	0.671	0.43	597.4	97.5	5.31	195.3	32.4	3.04
	28	12" x 12"	65	19.11	12.12	12.00	0.606	0.39	533.4	88	5.28	174.6	29.1	3.02
	29	12" x 12"	58	17.06	12.19	10.014	0.641	0.359	476.1	78.1	5.28	107.4	21.4	2.51
	30	12" x 12"	53	15.59	12.06	10.00	0.576	0.345	426.2	70.7	5.23	96.1	19.2	2.48
	31	12" x 12"	50	14.71	12.19	8.077	0.641	0.371	394.5	64.7	5.18	56.4	14	1.96
	32	12" x 12"	45	13.24	12.06	8.042	0.576	0.336	350.8	58.2	5.15	50	12.4	1.94
	33	12" x 12"	40	11.77	11.94	8	0.516	0.294	310.1	51.9	5.13	44.1	11	1.94
	34	12" x 12"	36	10.59	12.24	6.565	0.54	0.305	280.8	45.9	5.15	23.7	7.2	1.5
	35	12" x 12"	27	7.97	11.95	6.5	0.4	0.24	204.1	34.1	5.06	16.6	5.1	1.44
	36	10" x 10"	112	32.92	11.38	10.415	1.248	0.755	718.7	126.3	4.67	235.4	45.2	2.67
	37	10" x 10"	100	29.43	11.12	10.345	1.118	0.685	625	112.4	4.61	206.6	39.9	2.65
	38	10" x 10"	89	26.19	10.88	10.275	0.998	0.615	542.4	99.7	4.55	180.6	35.2	2.63
	39	10" x 10"	77	22.67	10.62	10.195	0.868	0.535	457.2	86.1	4.49	153.4	30.1	2.6
	40	10" x 10"	72	21.18	10.5	10.17	0.808	0.51	420.7	80.1	4.46	141.8	27.9	2.59
	41	10" x 10"	66	19.41	10.38	10.117	0.748	0.457	382.5	73.7	4.44	129.2	25.5	2.58
	42	10" x 10"	54	15.88	10.12	10.028	0.618	0.368	305.6	60.4	4.39	103.9	20.7	2.56
	43	10" x 10"	49	14.4	10.00	10.00	0.558	0.34	272.9	54.6	4.35	93	18.6	2.54
	44	10" x 10"	45	13.24	10.12	8.022	0.618	0.35	248.6	49.1	4.33	53.2	13.3	2.00
	45	10" x 10"	39	11.48	9.94	7.99	0.528	0.318	209.7	42.2	4.27	44.9	11.2	1.98
	46	10" x 10"	33	9.71	9.75	7.964	0.433	0.292	170.9	35	4.2	36.5	9.2	1.94
	47	10" x 10"	29	8.53	10.22	5.799	0.5	0.289	157.3	30.8	4.29	15.2	5.2	1.34
	48	10" x 10"	25	7.35	10.08	5.762	0.43	0.252	133.2	26.4	4.26	12.7	4.4	1.31
	49	10" x 10"	21	6.19	9.9	5.75	0.34	0.24	106.3	21.5	4.14	9.7	3.4	1.25
	50	8" x 8"	67	19.7	9.0	8.287	0.933	0.575	271.8	60.4	3.71	88.6	21.4	2.12
	51	8" x 8"	58	17.06	8.75	8.222	0.808	0.51	227.3	52.0	3.65	74.9	18.2	2.1
	52	8" x 8"	48	14.11	8.5	8.117	0.683	0.405	183.7	43.2	3.61	60.9	15	2.08
	53	8" x 8"	40	11.76	8.25	8.077	0.558	0.365	146.3	35.5	3.53	49	12.1	2.04
	54	8" x 8"	35	10.3	8.12	8.027	0.493	0.315	126.5	31.1	3.5	42.5	10.6	2.03
	55	8" x 8"	31	9.12	8.00	8.00	0.433	0.288	109.7	27.4	3.47	37	9.2	2.01
	56	8" x 8"	28	8.23	8.06	6.54	0.463	0.285	97.8	24.3	3.45	21.7	6.6	1.62
	57	8" x 8"	24	7.06	7.93	6.5	0.398	0.245	82.5	20.8	3.42	18.2	5.6	1.61
	58	8" x 8"	20	5.88	8.14	5.268	0.378	0.248	69.2	17	3.43	8.5	3.2	1.2
	59	8" x 8"	17	5.00	8.00	5.25	0.308	0.23	56.4	14.1	3.36	6.7	2.6	1.16
					Eje X - X				Eje Y - Y
	No.	Seccion	Peso/pie	Area	I	S	r	y	Radio de Giro
			2 L	2 L					Angulos adosados, Pulg.
			lb	Pulg2	Pulg4	Pulg3	Pulg	Pulg	0	0 3/8	0 3/4
	1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10	11
	1	4" x 4" x 3/4"	37	10.9	15.3	5.62	1.19	1.27	1.74	1.88	2.83
	2	4" x 4" x 5/8"	31.4	9.22	13.3	4.8	1.2	1.23	1.72	1.86	2
	3	4" x 4" x 1/2"	25.6	7.5	11.1	3.95	1.22	1.18	1.7	1.83	1.98
	4	4" x 4" x 3/8"	19.6	5.72	8.72	3.05	1.23	1.14	1.68	1.81	1.95
	5	4" x 4" x 5/16"	16.4	4.8	7.43	2.58	1.24	1.12	1.67	1.8	1.94
	6	4" x 4" x 1/4"	13.2	3.88	6.08	2.09	1.25	1.09	1.66	1.79	1.93
	7	3 1/2" x 3/8"	17	4.97	5.73	2.3	1.07	1.01	1.48	1.61	1.75
	8	3 1/2" x 5/16"	14.4	4.18	4.9	1.95	1.08	0.99	1.47	1.6	1.74
	9	3 1/2" x 1/4"	11.6	3.38	4.02	1.59	1.09	0.968	1.46	1.59	1.73
	10	3" x 3" x 1/2"	18.8	5.5	4.43	2.14	0.898	0.932	1.29	1.43	1.59
	11	3" x 3" x 3/8"	14.4	4.22	3.52	1.67	0.913	0.888	1.27	1.41	1.56
	12	3" x 3" x 5/16"	12.2	3.55	3.02	1.41	0.922	0.865	1.26	1.4	1.55
	13	3" x 3" x 1/4"	9.8	2.88	2.49	1.15	0.93	0.842	1.26	1.39	1.53
	14	3" x 3" x 3/16"	7.42	2.18	1.92	0.882	0.939	0.82	1.25	1.38	1.52
	15	2 1/2" x 3/8"	11.8	3.47	1.97	1.13	0.753	0.762	1.07	1.21	1.36
	16	2 1/2" x 5/16"	10	2.93	1.7	0.964	0.751	0.74	1.06	1.2	1.35
	17	2 1/2" x 1/4"	8.2	2.38	1.41	0.789	0.769	0.717	1.05	1.19	1.34
	18	2 1/2" x 3/16"	6.14	1.8	1.09	0.685	0.778	0.694	1.04	1.18	1.32
	19	2" x 2" x 3/8"	9.4	2.72	0.958	0.702	0.594	0.636	0.87	1.01	1.17
	20	2" x 2" x 5/16"	7.84	2.3	0.832	0.681	0.601	0.614	0.859	1	1.16
	21	2" x 2" x 1/4"	6.38	1.88	0.695	0.494	0.609	0.592	0.849	0.989	1.14
	22	2" x 2" x 3/16"	4.88	1.43	0.545	0.381	0.617	0.569	0.84	0.977	1.13
	23	2" x 2" x 1/8"	3.3	0.96	0.38	0.261	0.626	0.546	0.831	0.965	1.11
			kg/m	cm2	cm4	cm3	cm	cm
	24	1 3/4" X 5/16"	5.04	6.39	11.24	3.77	1.32	1.4
	25	1 3/4" X 1/4"	4.12	5.2	9.57	3.11	1.35	1.35
	26	1 3/4" X 3/16"	3.15	4.03	7.49	2.29	1.37	1.3
	27	1 3/4" X 1/8"	2.14	2.74	5.41	1.64	1.4	1.22
	28	1 1/2" x 3/8"	4.99	6.34	7.91	3.11	1.12	1.3
	29	1 1/2" x 5/16"	4.26	5.4	6.66	2.62	1.12	1.24
	30	1 1/2" x 1/4"
3.48	4.4	5.83	2.2	1.14	1.19
	31	1 1/2" x 3/16"	2.68	3.43	4.58	1.64	1.17	1.12
	32	1 1/2" x 1/8"	1.83	2.34	3.25	1.18	1.17	1.07
	33	1 1/4" X 1/4"	2.86	3.72	3.21	1.49	0.94	1.02
	34	1 1/4" X 3/16"	2.2	2.81	2.54	1.16	0.97	0.97
	35	1 1/4" X 1/8"	1.5	1.93	1.83	0.8	0.97	0.89
	36	1" X 1/4"	2.22	2.8	1.54	0.92	0.74	0.86
	37	1" X 3/16"	1.73	2.21	1.25	0.72	0.76	0.81
	38	1" X 1/8"	1.19	1.52	0.92	0.51	0.79	0.76
			A =	bd - b1d1			b1
			I =	bd3 - b1d13
				12				c
			S =	bd3 - b1d13		d1		d
				6d		I		I
			r =	d/4
		1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8
		Dimensiones				Propiedades
		Tamaño	Espesor		Peso	Area	I	S	r
		nominal	de pared
		pulg	pulg		lb/pie	pulg2	pulg4	pulg3	pulg
	1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9
	1	16" x 16"	0.500	0 1/2	103.3	30.4	1200	150	6.29
	2	16" x 16"	0.375	0 3/8	78.52	23.1	931	116	6.35
	3	16" x 16"	0.3125	0 5/16	65.87	19.4	789	98.6	6.38
	5	14" x 14"	0.500	0 1/2	89.68	26.4	791	113	5.48
	6	14" x 14"	0.375	0 3/8	68.31	20.1	615	87.9	5.54
	7	14" x 14"	0.3125	0 5/16	57.36	16.9	522	74.6	5.57
	9	12" x 12"	0.500	0 1/2	76.07	22.4	485	80.9	4.66
	10	12" x 12"	0.375	0 3/8	58.1	17.1	380	63.4	4.72
	11	12" x 12"	0.3125	0 5/16	48.86	14.4	324	54	4.75
	12	12" x 12"	0.2500	0 1/4	39.43	11.6	265	44.1	4.78
	14	10" x 10"	0.625	0 5/8	76.33	22.4	321	64.2	3.78
	15	10" x 10"	0.500	0 1/2	62.46	18.4	271	54.2	3.84
	16	10" x 10"	0.375	0 3/8	47.9	14.1	214	42.9	3.9
	17	10" x 10"	0.3125	0 5/16	40.35	11.9	183	36.7	3.93
	18	10" x 10"	0.2500	0 1/4	32.63	9.59	151	30.1	3.96
	20	8" x 8"	0.625	0 5/8	59.32	17.4	153	38.3	2.96
	21	8" x 8"	0.500	0 1/2	48.85	14.4	131	32.9	3.03
	22	8" x 8"	0.375	0 3/8	37.69	11.1	106	26.4	3.09
	23	8" x 8"	0.3125	0 5/16	31.84	9.36	90.9	22.7	3.12
	24	8" x 8"	0.2500	0 1/4	25.82	7.59	75.1	18.8	3.15
	25	8" x 8"	0.1875	0 3/16	19.63	5.77	58.2	14.6	3.18
	27	7" x 7"	0.500	0 1/2	42.05	12.4	84.6	24.2	2.62
	28	7" x 7"	0.375	0 3/8	32.58	9.58	68.7	19.6	2.68
	29	7" x 7"	0.3125	0 5/16	27.59	8.11	59.5	17	2.71
	30	7" x 7"	0.2500	0 1/4	22.42	6.59	49.4	14.1	2.74
	31	7" x 7"	0.1875	0 3/16	17.08	5.02	38.5	11	2.77
	33	6" x 6"	0.500	0 1/2	35.24	10.4	50.5	16.8	2.21
	34	6" x 6"	0.375	0 3/8	27.48	8.08	41.6	13.9	2.27
	35	6" x 6"	0.3125	0 5/16	23.34	6.86	36.3	12.1	2.3
	36	6" x 6"	0.2500	0 1/4	19.02	5.59	30.3	10.1	2.33
	37	6" x 6"	0.1875	0 3/16	14.53	4.27	23.8	7.93	2.36
	39	5" x 5"	0.500	0 1/2	28.43	8.36	27	10.8	1.8
	40	5" x 5"	0.375	0 3/8	22.37	6.58	22.8	9.11	1.86
	41	5" x 5"	0.3125	0 5/16	19.08	5.61	20.1	8.02	1.89
	42	5" x 5"	0.2500	0 1/4	15.62	4.59	16.9	6.78	1.92
	43	5" x 5"	0.1875	0 3/16	11.97	3.52	13.4	5.36	1.95
		kl/r	Fa (kg/cm2)	Fa(ksi)				l/r	Fas		Fy(ksi)	Cc
		1	1.52	21.56				121	10.1		33	131.7
		2	1.52	21.52				122	10.09		35	127.9
		3	1.51	21.48				123	10		36	126.1
		4	1.51	21.44				124	9.9		39	121.2
		5	1.51	21.39				125	9.8		40	119.6
		6	1.5	21.35				126	9.7		42	116.7
		7	1.5	21.30				127	9.59		45	112.8
		8	1.5	21.25				128	9.49		46	111.6
		9	1.49	21.21				129	9.4		50	107
		10	1.49	21.16				130	9.3		55	102
		11	1.49	21.10				131	9.21		60	97.7
		12	1.48	21.05				132	9.12		65	93.8
		13	1.48	21.00				133	9.03		90	79.8
		14	1.48	20.95				134	8.94		100	75.7
		15	1.47	20.89				135	8.86		Para uso en las formulas
		16	1.47	20.83				136	8.78
		17	1.46	20.78				137	8.7		(kl/r)/Cc	Ca	126.1
		18	1.46	20.72				138	8.62		0.01	0.599
		19	1.46	20.66				139	8.54
		20	1.45	20.60				140	8.47
		21	1.45	20.54				141	8.39
		22	1.44	20.48				142	8.32
		23	1.44	20.41				143	8.25
		24	1.43	20.35				144	8.18
		25	1.43	20.28				145	8.12
		26	1.42	20.22				146	8.05
		27	1.42	20.15				147	7.99
		28	1.41	20.08				148	7.93
		29	1.41	20.01				149	7.87
		30	1.4	19.94				150	7.81
		31	1.4	19.87				151	7.75
		32	1.4	19.80				152	7.69
		33	1.39	19.73				153	7.64
		34	1.38	19.65				154	7.59
		35	1.38	19.58				155	7.53
		36	1.37	19.50				156	7.48
		37	1.37	19.42				157	7.43
		38	1.36	19.35				158	7.39
		39	1.36	19.27				159	7.34
		40	1.35	19.19				160	7.29
		41	1.35	19.11				161	7.25
		42	1.34	19.03				162	7.2
		43	1.34	18.95				163	7.16
		44	1.33	18.86				164	7.12
		45	1.32	18.78				165	7.08
		46	1.32	18.70				166	7.04
		47	1.31	18.61				167	7
		48	1.31	18.53				168	6.96
		49	1.3	18.44				169	6.93
		50	1.29	18.35				170	6.89
		51	1.29	18.26				171	6.85
		52	1.28	18.17				172	6.82
		53	1.27	18.08				173	6.79
		54	1.27	17.99				174	6.76
		55	1.26	17.90				175	6.73
		56	1.25	17.81				176	6.7
		57	1.25	17.71				177	6.67
		58	1.24	17.52				178	6.64
		59	1.24	17.53				179	6.61
		60	1.23	17.43				180	6.58
		61	1.22	17.33				181	6.56
		62	1.21	17.24				182	6.53
		63	1.21	17.14				183	6.51
		64	1.2	17.04				184	6.49
		65	1.19	16.94				185	6.46
		66	1.19	16.84				186	6.44
		67	1.18	16.74				187	6.42
		68	1.17	16.64				188	6.4
		69	1.16	16.53				189	6.38
		70	1.16	16.43				190	6.36
		71	1.15	16.33				191	6.35
		72	1.14	16.22				192	6.33
		73	1.14	16.12				193	6.31
		74	1.13	16.01				194	6.3
		75	1.12	15.90				195	6.28
		76	1.11	15.79				196	6.27
		77	1.11	15.69				197	6.26
		78	1.1	15.58				198	6.24
		79	1.09	15.47				199	6.23
		80	1.08	15.36				200	6.22
		81	1.07	15.24
		82	1.07	15.13				k =	1
		83	1.06	15.02				Cc =	126.1
		84	1.05	14.90				fy =	36
		85	1.04	14.79				kl/r =	1
		86	1.03	14.67			Fa =	21.56
		87	1.02	14.56				Fa =(1-(kl/r)^2/2Cc^2))fy/(5/3+3(kl/r)/8Cc-(kl/r)^3/8Cc^3)
		88	1.02	14.44				Compresion en la seccion bruta de miembros cargados axialmente cuando kl/r es menor que Cc
		89	1.01	14.32
		90	1	14.20				Fa =12Pi()^2E/23(kl/r)^2
		91	0.99	14.09				Compresion en la seccion bruta de miembros cargados axialmente cuando kl/r excede a Cc
		92	0.98	13.97
		93	0.98	13.84				Fas = Fa(Formula 1 ó 2)/1.6-(l/200r)
		94	0.97	13.72				Compresion en la seccion bruta de miembros cargados axialmente cuando kl/r excede a 120
		95	0.96	13.60
		96	0.95	13.48
		97	0.94	13.35
		98	0.93	13.23
		99	0.92	13.10
		100	0.91	12.98
		101	0.91	12.85
		102	0.9	12.72
		103	0.89	12.59
		104	0.88	12.47
		105	0.87	12.33
		106	0.86	12.20
		107	0.85	12.07
		108	0.84	11.94
		109	0.83	11.81
		110	0.82	11.57
		111	0.81	11.54
		112	0.8	11.40
		113	0.79	11.25
		114	0.78	11.13
		115	0.77	10.99
		116	0.76	10.85
		117	0.75	10.71
		118	0.74	10.57
		119	0.73	10.43
		120	0.72	10.28	Miembros principales y secundarios kl/r no sobre 120
		121	0.71	10.14
		122	0.7	9.99
		123	0.69	9.85
		124	0.68	9.70
		125	0.67	9.55
		126	0.66	9.41
		127	0.65	9.26
		128	0.64	9.11
		129	0.63	8.97
		130	0.62	8.84
		131	0.61	8.70
		132	0.6	8.57
		133	0.59	8.44
		134	0.59	8.32
		135	0.58	8.19
		136	0.57	8.07
		137	0.56	7.96
		138	0.55	7.84
		139	0.54	7.73
		140	0.54	7.62
		141	0.53	7.51
		142	0.52	7.41
		143	0.51	7.30
		144	0.51	7.20
		145	0.5	7.10
		146	0.49	7.01
		147	0.49	6.91
		148	0.48	6.82
		149	0.47	6.73
		150	0.47	6.64
		151	0.46	6.55
		152	0.46	6.46
		153	0.45	6.38
		154	0.44	6.30
		155	0.44	6.22
		156	0.43	6.14
		157	0.43	6.06
		158	0.42	5.98
		159	0.42	5.91
		160	0.41	5.83
		161	0.41	5.76
		162	0.4	5.69
		163	0.4	5.62
		164	0.39	5.55
		165	0.39	5.49
		166	0.38	5.42
		167	0.38	5.35
		168	0.37	5.29
		169	0.37	5.23
		170	0.36	5.17
		171	0.36	5.11
		172	0.36	5.05
		173	0.35	4.99
		174	0.35	4.93
		175	0.34	4.88
		176	0.34	4.82
		177	0.34	4.77
		178	0.33	4.71
		179	0.33	4.66
		180	0.32	4.61
		181	0.32	4.56
		182	0.32	4.51
		183	0.31	4.46
		184	0.31	4.41
		185	0.31	4.36
		186	0.3	4.32
		187	0.3	4.27
		188	0.29	4.23
		189	0.29	4.18
		190	0.29	4.14
		191	0.29	4.09
		192	0.29	4.05
		193	0.28	4.01
		194	0.28	3.97
		195	0.28	3.93
		196	0.27	3.89
		197	0.27	3.85
		198	0.27	3.81
		199	0.27	3.77
		200	0.26	3.73	Para miembros principales kl/r 121 hasta 200
	Fy =			36		Fy =			50
	E =			29000		E =			29000
	kl/r	λc	λc2	Fcr	ØFcr		λc	λc2	Fcr	ØFcr
	1	0.0112150801	0.000125778	36.00	30.60		0.0132170986	0.0001746917	50.00	42.50
	2	0.0224301601	0.0005031121	35.99	30.59		0.0264341972	0.0006987668	49.99	42.49
3	0.0336452402	0.0011320022	35.98	30.59		0.0396512959	0.0015722253	49.97	42.47
	4	0.0448603203	0.0020124483	35.97	30.57		0.0528683945	0.0027950671	49.94	42.45
	5	0.0560754004	0.0031444505	35.95	30.56		0.0660854931	0.0043672924	49.91	42.42
	6	0.0672904804	0.0045280088	35.93	30.54		0.0793025917	0.0062889011	49.87	42.39
	7	0.0785055605	0.006163123	35.91	30.52		0.0925196903	0.0085598931	49.82	42.35
	8	0.0897206406	0.0080497933	35.88	30.50		0.105736789	0.0111802685	49.77	42.30
	9	0.1009357207	0.0101880197	35.85	30.47		0.1189538876	0.0141500274	49.70	42.25
	10	0.1121508007	0.0125778021	35.81	30.44		0.1321709862	0.0174691696	49.64	42.19
	11	0.1233658808	0.0152191405	35.77	30.41		0.1453880848	0.0211376952	49.56	42.13
	12	0.1345809609	0.018112035	35.73	30.37		0.1586051834	0.0251556042	49.48	42.05
	13	0.145796041	0.0212564856	35.68	30.33		0.1718222821	0.0295228966	49.39	41.98
	14	0.157011121	0.0246524921	35.63	30.29		0.1850393807	0.0342395724	49.29	41.90
	15	0.1682262011	0.0283000547	35.58	30.24		0.1982564793	0.0393056316	49.18	41.81
	16	0.1794412812	0.0321991734	35.52	30.19		0.2114735779	0.0447210742	49.07	41.71
	17	0.1906563613	0.0363498481	35.46	30.14		0.2246906765	0.0504859001	48.95	41.61
	18	0.2018714413	0.0407520788	35.39	30.08		0.2379077752	0.0566001095	48.83	41.51
	19	0.2130865214	0.0454058656	35.32	30.02		0.2511248738	0.0630637022	48.70	41.39
	20	0.2243016015	0.0503112084	35.25	29.96		0.2643419724	0.0698766784	48.56	41.28
	21	0.2355166816	0.0554681073	35.17	29.90		0.277559071	0.0770390379	48.41	41.15
	22	0.2467317616	0.0608765622	35.09	29.83		0.2907761696	0.0845507808	48.26	41.02
	23	0.2579468417	0.0665365731	35.01	29.76		0.3039932683	0.0924119071	48.10	40.89
	24	0.2691619218	0.0724481401	34.92	29.69		0.3172103669	0.1006224169	47.94	40.75
	25	0.2803770019	0.0786112632	34.83	29.61		0.3304274655	0.10918231	47.77	40.60
	26	0.2915920819	0.0850259422	34.74	29.53		0.3436445641	0.1180915865	47.59	40.45
	27	0.302807162	0.0916921774	34.64	29.45		0.3568616627	0.1273502463	47.40	40.29
	28	0.3140222421	0.0986099685	34.54	29.36		0.3700787614	0.1369582896	47.21	40.13
	29	0.3252373222	0.1057793157	34.44	29.27		0.38329586	0.1469157163	47.02	39.97
	30	0.3364524022	0.113200219	34.33	29.18		0.3965129586	0.1572225263	46.82	39.79
	31	0.3476674823	0.1208726783	34.22	29.09		0.4097300572	0.1678787198	46.61	39.62
	32	0.3588825624	0.1287966936	34.11	28.99		0.4229471558	0.1788842966	46.39	39.43
	33	0.3700976425	0.1369722649	33.99	28.90		0.4361642545	0.1902392569	46.17	39.25
	34	0.3813127225	0.1453993924	33.87	28.79		0.4493813531	0.2019436005	45.95	39.06
	35	0.3925278026	0.1540780758	33.75	28.69		0.4625984517	0.2139973275	45.72	38.86
	36	0.4037428827	0.1630083153	33.63	28.58		0.4758155503	0.2264004379	45.48	38.66
	37	0.4149579627	0.1721901108	33.50	28.47		0.4890326489	0.2391529317	45.24	38.45
	38	0.4261730428	0.1816234624	33.36	28.36		0.5022497476	0.2522548089	44.99	38.24
	39	0.4373881229	0.1913083701	33.23	28.25		0.5154668462	0.2657060695	44.74	38.03
	40	0.448603203	0.2012448337	33.09	28.13		0.5286839448	0.2795067135	44.48	37.81
	41	0.459818283	0.2114328534	32.95	28.01		0.5419010434	0.2936567409	44.22	37.58
	42	0.4710333631	0.2218724292	32.81	27.89		0.555118142	0.3081561516	43.95	37.36
	43	0.4822484432	0.232563561	32.66	27.76		0.5683352407	0.3230049458	43.68	37.13
	44	0.4934635233	0.2435062488	32.51	27.63		0.5815523393	0.3382031233	43.40	36.89
	45	0.5046786033	0.2547004927	32.36	27.51		0.5947694379	0.3537506843	43.12	36.65
	46	0.5158936834	0.2661462926	32.21	27.37		0.6079865365	0.3696476286	42.83	36.41
	47	0.5271087635	0.2778436486	32.05	27.24		0.6212036351	0.3858939563	42.54	36.16
	48	0.5383238436	0.2897925606	31.89	27.10		0.6344207338	0.4024896674	42.25	35.91
	49	0.5495389236	0.3019930286	31.73	26.97		0.6476378324	0.4194347619	41.95	35.66
	50	0.5607540037	0.3144450527	31.56	26.83		0.660854931	0.4367292398	41.65	35.40
	51	0.5719690838	0.3271486328	31.39	26.68		0.6740720296	0.4543731011	41.34	35.14
	52	0.5831841639	0.340103769	31.22	26.54		0.6872891282	0.4723663458	41.03	34.88
	53	0.5943992439	0.3533104612	31.05	26.39		0.7005062269	0.4907089739	40.72	34.61
	54	0.605614324	0.3667687094	30.88	26.25		0.7137233255	0.5094009853	40.40	34.34
	55	0.6168294041	0.3804785137	30.70	26.10		0.7269404241	0.5284423802	40.08	34.07
	56	0.6280444842	0.3944398741	30.52	25.94		0.7401575227	0.5478331585	39.75	33.79
	57	0.6392595642	0.4086527905	30.34	25.79		0.7533746213	0.5675733201	39.43	33.51
	58	0.6504746443	0.4231172629	30.16	25.63		0.76659172	0.5876628651	39.10	33.23
	59	0.6616897244	0.4378332914	29.97	25.48		0.7798088186	0.6081017935	38.76	32.95
	60	0.6729048045	0.4528008759	29.78	25.32		0.7930259172	0.6288901054	38.43	32.66
	61	0.6841198845	0.4680200164	29.60	25.16		0.8062430158	0.6500278006	38.09	32.38
	62	0.6953349646	0.483490713	29.40	24.99		0.8194601144	0.6715148792	37.75	32.09
	63	0.7065500447	0.4992129656	29.21	24.83		0.8326772131	0.6933513412	37.41	31.79
	64	0.7177651248	0.5151867743	29.02	24.66		0.8458943117	0.7155371866	37.06	31.50
	65	0.7289802048	0.531412139	28.82	24.50		0.8591114103	0.7380724153	36.71	31.21
	66	0.7401952849	0.5478890598	28.62	24.33		0.8723285089	0.7609570275	36.36	30.91
	67	0.751410365	0.5646175366	28.42	24.16		0.8855456076	0.7841910231	36.01	30.61
	68	0.7626254451	0.5815975694	28.22	23.99		0.8987627062	0.807774402	35.66	30.31
	69	0.7738405251	0.5988291583	28.02	23.82		0.9119798048	0.8317071643	35.30	30.01
	70	0.7850556052	0.6163123033	27.81	23.64		0.9251969034	0.8559893101	34.94	29.70
	71	0.7962706853	0.6340470042	27.61	23.47		0.938414002	0.8806208392	34.59	29.40
	72	0.8074857654	0.6520332612	27.40	23.29		0.9516311007	0.9056017517	34.23	29.09
	73	0.8187008454	0.6702710743	27.19	23.11		0.9648481993	0.9309320476	33.86	28.79
	74	0.8299159255	0.6887604434	26.98	22.94		0.9780652979	0.9566117269	33.50	28.48
	75	0.8411310056	0.7075013685	26.77	22.76		0.9912823965	0.9826407896	33.14	28.17
	76	0.8523460856	0.7264938497	26.56	22.58		1.0044994951	1.0090192357	32.78	27.86
	77	0.8635611657	0.7457378869	26.35	22.40		1.0177165938	1.0357470652	32.41	27.55
	78	0.8747762458	0.7652334802	26.13	22.21		1.0309336924	1.0628242781	32.05	27.24
	79	0.8859913259	0.7849806295	25.92	22.03		1.044150791	1.0902508743	31.68	26.93
	80	0.8972064059	0.8049793349	25.70	21.85		1.0573678896	1.118026854	31.31	26.62
	81	0.908421486	0.8252295963	25.49	21.66		1.0705849882	1.146152217	30.95	26.31
	82	0.9196365661	0.8457314137	25.27	21.48		1.0838020869	1.1746269635	30.58	25.99
	83	0.9308516462	0.8664847872	25.05	21.29		1.0970191855	1.2034510933	30.21	25.68
	84	0.9420667262	0.8874897167	24.83	21.11		1.1102362841	1.2326246065	29.85	25.37
	85	0.9532818063	0.9087462023	24.61	20.92		1.1234533827	1.2621475031	29.48	25.06
	86	0.9644968864	0.9302542439	24.39	20.73		1.1366704813	1.2920197831	29.11	24.75
	87	0.9757119665	0.9520138415	24.17	20.54		1.14988758	1.3222414465	28.75	24.44
	88	0.9869270465	0.9740249952	23.95	20.35		1.1631046786	1.3528124933	28.38	24.13
	89	0.9981421266	0.9962877049	23.72	20.17		1.1763217772	1.3837329235	28.02	23.82
	90	1.0093572067	1.0188019707	23.50	19.98		1.1895388758	1.4150027371	27.65	23.51
	91	1.0205722868	1.0415677925	23.28	19.79		1.2027559744	1.446621934	27.29	23.20
	92	1.0317873668	1.0645851704	23.06	19.60		1.2159730731	1.4785905144	26.93	22.89
	93	1.0430024469	1.0878541043	22.83	19.41		1.2291901717	1.5109084781	26.57	22.58
	94	1.054217527	1.1113745942	22.61	19.22		1.2424072703	1.5435758253	26.21	22.27
	95	1.0654326071	1.1351466402	22.39	19.03		1.2556243689	1.5765925558	25.85	21.97
	96	1.0766476871	1.1591702422	22.16	18.84		1.2688414675	1.6099586697	25.49	21.66
	97	1.0878627672	1.1834454003	21.94	18.65		1.2820585662	1.6436741671	25.13	21.36
	98	1.0990778473	1.2079721144	21.71	18.46		1.2952756648	1.6777390478	24.77	21.06
	99	1.1102929274	1.2327503845	21.49	18.27		1.3084927634	1.7121533119	24.42	20.76
	100	1.1215080074	1.2577802107	21.27	18.08		1.321709862	1.7469169594	24.07	20.46
	101	1.1327230875	1.283061593	21.04	17.89		1.3349269606
1.7820299902	23.72	20.16
	102	1.1439381676	1.3085945312	20.82	17.70		1.3481440593	1.8174924045	23.37	19.86
	103	1.1551532477	1.3343790256	20.59	17.51		1.3613611579	1.8533042022	23.02	19.57
	104	1.1663683277	1.3604150759	20.37	17.32		1.3745782565	1.8894653832	22.67	19.27
	105	1.1775834078	1.3867026823	20.15	17.13		1.3877953551	1.9259759477	22.33	18.98
	106	1.1887984879	1.4132418448	19.93	16.94		1.4010124537	1.9628358955	21.99	18.69
	107	1.200013568	1.4400325633	19.70	16.75		1.4142295524	2.0000452268	21.65	18.40
	108	1.211228648	1.4670748378	19.48	16.56		1.427446651	2.0376039414	21.31	18.11
	109	1.2224437281	1.4943686684	19.26	16.37		1.4406637496	2.0755120394	20.97	17.83
	110	1.2336588082	1.521914055	19.04	16.18		1.4538808482	2.1137695208	20.64	17.55
	111	1.2448738882	1.5497109976	18.82	16.00		1.4670979468	2.1523763856	20.31	17.26
	112	1.2560889683	1.5777594963	18.60	15.81		1.4803150455	2.1913326338	19.98	16.98
	113	1.2673040484	1.6060595511	18.38	15.62		1.4935321441	2.2306382654	19.66	16.71
	114	1.2785191285	1.6346111619	18.16	15.44		1.5067492427	2.2702932804	19.31	16.42
	115	1.2897342085	1.6634143287	17.94	15.25		1.5199663413	2.3102976787	18.98	16.13
	116	1.3009492886	1.6924690516	17.73	15.07		1.5331834399	2.3506514605	18.65	15.86
	117	1.3121643687	1.7217753305	17.51	14.88		1.5464005386	2.3913546257	18.34	15.59
	118	1.3233794488	1.7513331654	17.30	14.70		1.5596176372	2.4324071742	18.03	15.32
	119	1.3345945288	1.7811425564	17.08	14.52		1.5728347358	2.4738091061	17.73	15.07
	120	1.3458096089	1.8112035035	16.87	14.34		1.5860518344	2.5155604215	17.43	14.82
	121	1.357024689	1.8415160065	16.66	14.16		1.599268933	2.5576611202	17.14	14.57
	122	1.3682397691	1.8720800657	16.44	13.98		1.6124860317	2.6001112023	16.86	14.33
	123	1.3794548491	1.9028956808	16.23	13.80		1.6257031303	2.6429106678	16.59	14.1
	124	1.3906699292	1.933962852	16.02	13.62		1.6389202289	2.6860595167	16.33	13.88
	125	1.4018850093	1.9652815793	15.81	13.44		1.6521373275	2.729557749	16.06	13.66
	126	1.4131000894	1.9968518626	15.61	13.27		1.6653544261	2.7734053647	15.81	13.44
	127	1.4243151694	2.0286737019	15.40	13.09		1.6785715248	2.8176023637	15.56	13.23
	128	1.4355302495	2.0607470973	15.20	12.92		1.6917886234	2.8621487462	15.32	13.02
	129	1.4467453296	2.0930720487	14.99	12.74		1.705005722	2.9070445121	15.08	12.82
	130	1.4579604097	2.1256485561	14.79	12.57		1.7182228206	2.9522896613	14.85	12.62
	131	1.4691754897	2.1584766196	14.59	12.40		1.7314399192	2.9978841939	14.63	12.43
	132	1.4803905698	2.1915562392	14.39	12.23		1.7446570179	3.04382811	14.41	12.25
	133	1.4916056499	2.2248874148	14.19	12.06		1.7578741165	3.0901214094	14.19	12.06
	134	1.50282073	2.2584701464	13.98	11.88		1.7710912151	3.1367640922	13.98	11.88
	135	1.51403581	2.2923044341	13.77	11.71		1.7843083137	3.1837561584	13.77	11.71
	136	1.5252508901	2.3263902778	13.57	11.54		1.7975254123	3.231097608	13.57	11.54
	137	1.5364659702	2.3607276775	13.37	11.37		1.810742511	3.278788441	13.37	11.37
	138	1.5476810503	2.3953166333	13.18	11.2		1.8239596096	3.3268286574	13.18	11.2
	139	1.5588961303	2.4301571452	12.99	11.04		1.8371767082	3.3752182572	12.99	11.04
	140	1.5701112104	2.465249213	12.81	10.89		1.8503938068	3.4239572403	12.81	10.89
	141	1.5813262905	2.500592837	12.63	10.73		1.8636109054	3.4730456069	12.63	10.73
	142	1.5925413706	2.5361880169	12.45	10.58		1.8768280041	3.5224833568	12.45	10.58
	143	1.6037564506	2.5720347529	12.28	10.43		1.8900451027	3.5722704902	12.28	10.43
	144	1.6149715307	2.608133045	12.11	10.29		1.9032622013	3.6224070069	12.11	10.29
	145	1.6261866108	2.6444828931	11.94	10.15		1.916479300	3.672892907	11.94	10.15
	146	1.6374016908	2.6810842972	11.78	10.01		1.9296963985	3.7237281906	11.78	10.01
	147	1.6486167709	2.7179372574	11.62	9.87		1.9429134972	3.7749128575	11.62	9.87
	148	1.659831851	2.7550417736	11.46	9.74		1.9561305958	3.8264469078	11.46	9.74
	149	1.6710469311	2.7923978458	11.31	9.61		1.9693476944	3.8783303415	11.31	9.61
	150	1.6822620111	2.8300054741	11.16	9.48		1.982564793	3.9305631585	11.16	9.48
	151	1.6934770912	2.8678646585	11.01	9.36		1.9957818916	3.983145359	11.01	9.36
	152	1.7046921713	2.9059753989	10.86	9.23		2.0089989903	4.0360769429	10.86	9.23
	153	1.7159072514	2.9443376953	10.72	9.11		2.0222160889	4.0893579101	10.72	9.11
	154	1.7271223314	2.9829515478	10.58	9		2.0354331875	4.1429882608	10.58	9
	155	1.7383374115	3.0218169563	10.45	8.88		2.0486502861	4.1969679948	10.45	8.88
	156	1.7495524916	3.0609339208	10.31	8.77		2.0618673847	4.2512971123	10.31	8.77
	157	1.7607675717	3.1003024414	10.18	8.66		2.0750844834	4.3059756131	10.18	8.66
	158	1.7719826517	3.1399225181	10.06	8.55		2.088301582	4.3610034973	10.06	8.55
	159	1.7831977318	3.1797941508	9.93	8.44		2.1015186806	4.4163807649	9.93	8.44
	160	1.7944128119	3.2199173395	9.81	8.33		2.1147357792	4.4721074159	9.81	8.33
	161	1.805627892	3.2602920842	9.68	8.23		2.1279528778	4.5281834503	9.68	8.23
	162	1.816842972	3.300918385	9.56	8.13		2.1411699765	4.5846088681	9.56	8.13
	163	1.8280580521	3.3417962419	9.45	8.03		2.1543870751	4.6413836693	9.45	8.03
	164	1.8392731322	3.3829256548	9.33	7.93		2.1676041737	4.6985078539	9.33	7.93
	165	1.8504882123	3.4243066237	9.22	7.84		2.1808212723	4.7559814218	9.22	7.84
	166	1.8617032923	3.4659391487	9.11	7.74		2.1940383709	4.8138043732	9.11	7.74
	167	1.8729183724	3.5078232297	9.00	7.65		2.2072554696	4.8719767079	9.00	7.65
	168	1.8841334525	3.5499588668	8.89	7.56		2.2204725682	4.9304984261	8.89	7.56
	169	1.8953485326	3.5923460599	8.79	7.47		2.2336896668	4.9893695276	8.79	7.47
	170	1.9065636126	3.634984809	8.69	7.38		2.2469067654	5.0485900125	8.69	7.38
	171	1.9177786927	3.6778751142	8.58	7.3		2.260123864	5.1081598808	8.58	7.3
	172	1.9289937728	3.7210169754	8.48	7.21		2.2733409627	5.1680791325	8.48	7.21
	173	1.9402088529	3.7644103927	8.39	7.13		2.2865580613	5.2283477676	8.39	7.13
	174	1.9514239329	3.808055366	8.29	7.05		2.2997751599	5.2889657861	8.29	7.05
	175	1.962639013	3.8519518954	8.20	6.97		2.3129922585	5.349933188	8.20	6.97
	176	1.9738540931	3.8960999808	8.10	6.89		2.3262093571	5.4112499733	8.10	6.89
	177	1.9850691732	3.9404996222	8.01	6.81		2.3394264558	5.4729161419	8.01	6.81
	178	1.9962842532	3.9851508197	7.92	6.73		2.3526435544	5.534931694	7.92	6.73
	179	2.0074993333	4.0300535732	7.83	6.66		2.365860653	5.5972966295	7.83	6.66
	180	2.0187144134	4.0752078828	7.75	6.59		2.3790777516	5.6600109483	7.75	6.59
	181	2.0299294935	4.1206137484	7.66	6.51		2.3922948502	5.7230746505	7.66	6.51
	182	2.0411445735	4.16627117	7.58	6.44		2.4055119489	5.7864877362	7.58	6.44
	183	2.0523596536	4.2121801477	7.50	6.37		2.4187290475	5.8502502052	7.50	6.37
	184	2.0635747337	4.2583406815	7.41	6.3		2.4319461461	5.9143620576	7.41	6.3
	185	2.0747898137	4.3047527712	7.33	6.23		2.4451632447	5.9788232934	7.33	6.23
	186	2.0860048938	4.3514164171	7.26	6.17		2.4583803433	6.0436339126	7.26	6.17
	187	2.0972199739	4.3983316189	7.18	6.1		2.471597442	6.1087939152	7.18	6.1
	188	2.108435054	4.4454983768	7.10	6.04		2.4848145406	6.1743033011	7.10	6.04
	189	2.119650134	4.4929166908	7.03	5.97		2.4980316392	6.2401620705	7.03	5.97
	190	2.1308652141	4.5405865607	6.95	5.91		2.5112487378	6.3063702233	6.95	5.91
	191	2.1420802942	4.5885079868	6.88	5.85		2.5244658365	6.3729277594	6.88	5.85
	192	2.1532953743	4.6366809688	6.81	5.79		2.5376829351	6.439834679	6.81	5.79
	193	2.1645104543	4.685105507	6.74	5.73		2.5509000337	6.5070909819	6.74	5.73
	194	2.1757255344	4.7337816011	6.67	5.67		2.5641171323	6.5746966682	6.67	5.67
	195	2.1869406145	4.7827092513	6.60	5.61		2.5773342309	6.6426517379	6.60	5.61
	196	2.1981556946	4.8318884575	6.53	5.55		2.5905513296	6.710956191	6.53	5.55
	197	2.2093707746	4.8813192198	6.47	5.5		2.6037684282	6.7796100275	6.47	5.5
	198	2.2205858547	4.9310015382	6.40	5.44		2.6169855268	6.8486132474	6.40	5.44
	199	2.2318009348	4.9809354125	6.34	5.39		2.6302026254	6.9179658507	6.34	5.39
	200	2.2430160149	5.0311208429	6.28	5.33		2.643419724	6.9876678374	6.28	5.33

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