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What are the complement rules for general rules? The 'y' for spelling accentuation purposes is considered a consonant. The diphthongs, triphthong...

What are the complement rules for general rules?

The 'y' for spelling accentuation purposes is considered a consonant.
The diphthongs, triphthongs, and simple hiatuses adhere to the general rules of accentuation, except for the accentual hiatus.
When the suffix 'mente' is added to a term, the general rule is applied to the primitive word.
When the pronouns lo(s), la(s), le(s), me, te, se, nos are added to the verb, the general rule is applied.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

Verano ADUNI Semana 02- Lenguaje
19 pag.

Linguagem Universidad Nacional Abierta Y A Distancia UnadUniversidad Nacional Abierta Y A Distancia Unad

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