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What is the best way to prevent canine distemper? a) The only proven way to prevent distemper is to vaccinate the dog against the disease. This v...

What is the best way to prevent canine distemper?

a) The only proven way to prevent distemper is to vaccinate the dog against the disease. This vaccine, however, is not 100% effective. Vaccinated puppies may occasionally get sick. The vaccine is first received between 6 and 8 weeks of age, with at least 3 boosters every 15-21 days. A booster is received annually.
b) The only proven way to prevent distemper is to keep the dog indoors and away from other dogs. This disease is only transmitted through contact with infected animals.
c) The only proven way to prevent distemper is to feed the dog a healthy diet and provide quality care. A stress-free life will help keep the dog healthy and strong.