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What is the structure and vascularization of the kidney? Structure of the kidney Vascularization of the kidney The kidney is a paired organ, each a...

What is the structure and vascularization of the kidney?
Structure of the kidney
Vascularization of the kidney
The kidney is a paired organ, each approximately 12 to 13 cm in length according to its major axis and about 6 cm in width and 4 in thickness.
The kidney has two well-differentiated areas: a more external, pale, 1 cm thick cortical area that projects towards the renal hilum forming columns called Bertin's columns, which delimit conical structures called Malpighi's pyramids, and that constitute the renal medulla.
The renal artery, which is normally unique, branches into small vessels that irrigate the different lobes of the kidney.
The renal vein is longer on the left than on the right, as it has to cross the aorta to reach the inferior vena cava, and also receives the left gonadal vein.
The kidney has numerous lymphatics that drain into hilar lymph nodes, which communicate with the periaortic nodes.

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Biologia Biológicas / SaúdeBiológicas / Saúde

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