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Which of the following principles is NOT mentioned as an essential element of the representative democracy model adopted by American states? Respe...

Which of the following principles is NOT mentioned as an essential element of the representative democracy model adopted by American states?

Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms
Access to power and its exercise in accordance with the rule of law
Celebration of periodic, free, fair and universal suffrage-based elections
Single-party regime
Separation and independence of public powers
a) Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms
b) Access to power and its exercise in accordance with the rule of law
c) Celebration of periodic, free, fair and universal suffrage-based elections
d) Single-party regime
e) Separation and independence of public powers

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

Princípios de Direito Internacional
23 pag.

Direito Internacional Universidad de CaraboboUniversidad de Carabobo

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