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What are the factors that affect the elimination process in the intestinal tract? a) Mobility and exercise help move feces through the intestine. ...

What are the factors that affect the elimination process in the intestinal tract?

a) Mobility and exercise help move feces through the intestine.
b) Foods high in fiber help maintain the movement of feces through the intestine.
c) Antibiotics and laxatives can make feces softer and more frequent.
d) Intestinal diversions usually discharge liquid, foul-smelling feces.
e) The use of analgesics such as aspirin or ibuprofen can cause kidney damage (nephrotoxicity).
f) Some antibiotics such as gentamicin can cause kidney damage.
g) The use of diuretics can cause moderate to intense increase in the production and excretion of diluted urine.
h) The use of cholinergic medications can cause an increase in urination by stimulating the contraction of the detrusor muscle.
i) Some analgesics and tranquilizers interfere with urine excretion by decreasing the effectiveness of neural reflexes for urination through suppression of the central nervous system.
j) Certain medications can cause changes in the color of urine.

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