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What is the correct way to clean interdental spaces? Cut a piece of thread about 30-60 cm long and wrap its ends slightly around the middle fingers...

What is the correct way to clean interdental spaces?
Cut a piece of thread about 30-60 cm long and wrap its ends slightly around the middle fingers, leaving 5-8 cm between both fingers.
To achieve maximum control, the tips of the fingers or thumbs that control the thread should not be separated by more than 2 cm.
Carefully pass the thread through the contact points, moving it in a vestibular-lingual direction until it slides slowly. Avoid forcing it as it could injure the interdental papilla.
Move the thread carefully in an occlusal-gingival and vestibular-lingual direction with sawing and back-and-forth movements against each proximal surface to remove interproximal plaque until it extends just below the gingival margin. In the lower teeth, the thread is guided with the indices instead of the thumbs to facilitate control of the movements.
The sector of used thread should be moved in each proximal space to clean each tooth with "clean thread".
The use of horizontal brushing is recommended to remove interdental plaque.
The thread should be passed through the contact points in a vestibular-lingual direction.
The thread should be moved with sawing and back-and-forth movements against each proximal surface.
The thread should be guided with the thumbs in the lower teeth.
The sector of used thread should not be moved in each proximal space.
a) Only statements 1, 2, and 3 are correct.
b) Only statements 2, 3, and 4 are correct.
c) Only statements 2, 3, and 5 are correct.
d) Only statements 3, 4, and 5 are correct.
e) All statements are correct.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

Manual de Tecnicas y Procedimientos en Enfermeria 2008
231 pag.

Enfermagem Universidad de Buenos AiresUniversidad de Buenos Aires

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