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What is the correct sequence of steps for cardiac massage in small dogs? Put the animal in a lateral decubitus position with the head lower than th...

What is the correct sequence of steps for cardiac massage in small dogs?
Put the animal in a lateral decubitus position with the head lower than the body if possible. Grab the chest between the thumb and fingers just behind the elbows.
Place the other hand on the dog's back. The thumb and fingers compress the ribs while the other hand supports the body.
Be vigorous but do not press too hard.
Repeat this pumping action 120 times per minute using quick but firm compressions.
Apply cardiac massage for 15 seconds, then give mouth-to-nose breathing for 10 seconds.
Check for a pulse. Continue with cardiac massage until the pulse returns, then focus entirely on artificial respiration.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

Manual de primeros auxilios en emergencias en perros y gatos
167 pag.

Veterinaria Universidad De CordobaUniversidad De Cordoba

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