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What are the most common bone pathologies? Osteoporosis Osteosclerosis Osteomyelitis Osteomalacia Paget's disease or deforming osteopathy Neoplasms...

What are the most common bone pathologies?
Paget's disease or deforming osteopathy
The osteoporosis is a localized or generalized atrophy of the bone skeleton, which can be of primary or secondary origin.
Osteosclerosis is the opposite alteration to osteoporosis, which consists of an increase in trabeculation and thickening of bone structures.
Osteomyelitis is the inflammation of the bone due to an infection, usually of bacterial type.
Osteomalacia is a generalized disease characterized by a decrease in the amount of calcium in the bones, but which preserves its normal skeletal mass.
Paget's disease or deforming osteopathy is a chronic and progressive alteration of the bones, which is characterized by the total and pathological destruction of its structure, due to a deficit in its mineralization.
Neoplasms are tumor formations that affect bones and can be benign or malignant.

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