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MANEJO DE GRUPOS EQUIPO 2 INT7 - Arely Huerta Aguilar

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Introduction Collaborative Group
The term collaborative refers to learning methodologies that arise from collaboration with groups that share discussion spaces in order to learn or perform team work.
Collaborative work is a teaching-learning strategy, in which small work groups are organized in this learning model. All the members of the team have common objectives, these changes in teaching and learning are given with greater interest from the use of new teaching techniques. 
Collaborative work is very important in all areas from a company, such as at school or in the same house, because by putting it into operation, we can obtain better results and with this achieve the objectives set in the right way.
The basis of a productive team is that each of its members feel comfortable and work at ease with others.
Help each other without feeling ashamed to need the support of another person.
Share your ideas without being afraid.
Structure and Clarity
 Value of work
Motivated Groups
Determined by the participation of its members based on a common objective. its members are incorporated into these groups for the approval of others, for a social prestige or personal interest. Here we find professional associations, political groups or those destined to achieve prestige in society.
Self-directed groups
it is a small number of people, who share knowledge, skills and complementary experiences and who, committed to a common purpose, establish realistic, challenging goals and an efficient way to achieve them also shared, ensuring timely, predictable and quality results, for the which members are responsible for each other.
It requires people with
A lot of personal security
Leader of herself
Willing to accept responsibility for the actions it performs
That knows how to ask for help without complexes when he needs it
It consists of an informal exchange of ideas and information on a topic, carried out by a group under the stimulating and dynamic guidance of a person who acts as a guide and interrogator.
For there to be debate (and not mere formal answers) the subject must be questionable, analyzable from different approaches or interpretations.
The director of the debate must previously make a plan of questions that will be written.
Participants must know the subject well in advance to inform themselves by themselves and thus be able to intervene with knowledge in the discussion.
It is not a "learning verification" technique or an evaluation of exploitation, but of a learning technique through active participation in the exchange and elaboration of ideas and multiple information.
The number of members should not exceed 12 or 13. 
If the subject allows it, at a given time you can use aids audiovisual, in the nature of information, illustration, suggestion, reason for new questions, etc
The director will pay attention not only to the development of the content being discussed, but also also to the attitudes of the members and details of the development of the process of group.
The director should not "enter" the debate on the subject; its function is to drive, guide, stimulate. Can suggest, provide information, clarify Confusions and contradictions
The Director makes a brief introduction to frame the topic, give instructions general and place the group mentally in the debate.
Formulate the first question and invite to participate. 
Once the debate is under way, the director guides it cautiously, taking care not to exert pressure, intimidation or subjection
The director makes a brief summary of what has been discussed and to redraft the activity towards the central theme through some new secondary question.
Before concluding the debate, a conclusion or a certain agreement on everything discussed. 
Recreational activities
The recreational activities are those methods, techniques and strategies used in actions, that executed in an adequate way offer people, moments of distraction and enjoyment, which positively influences moods, learning, senses of humor and even in the health of the participants.
Collaborative work has a series of characteristics that differentiate it from group work and other forms of group organization:
The formation of the groups in the collaborative work is heterogeneous in ability, characteristics of the members; in opposition, in traditional group learning these are more homogeneous.
All members have their share of responsibility for executing the actions in the group.
The responsibility of each member of the group is shared.
The achievement of objectives is pursued through the realization (individual and joint) of tasks.
There is a positive interdependence between the subjects.
Collaborative work requires participants: communication skills, symmetrical and reciprocal relationships and the desire to share the resolution of tasks.
There are hundreds of examples of conglomerates or successful productive groups that bring prosperity to their communities.
Although conglomerates are not created, they can be strengthened.
Strengthening must begin by defining a comprehensive strategy for all actors.
Then you have to give support to companies and government institutions, academics and unions.
The services of the institutions must be coordinated, adapted and, sometimes, transformed.
In this environment, unions strengthen their capacity to communicate and reconcile business interests, and municipalities lead industrial policies with which they stimulate development.
The mastery of the techniques of work, the ability to persuade, influence, and motivate the members of a work team is the basis for an efficient performance of the supervisor. One of the basic reasons is motivation, to maintain an optimistic attitude towards your team and to ensure that the spirit and the group unit take over the work, the tasks to be carried out, that inner energy that moves mountains despite the difficulties that arise, this is vital and is the true and real thing that each member of the team possesses internally and allows the achievement of the objectives on time and in optimum quality.
A self-directed work team (ETAD) is a small number of people, who share knowledge, skills and complementary experiences and who, committed to a common purpose, establish realistic, challenging goals and an efficient way to achieve them also shared, ensuring timely results , foreseeable and of quality, for which the members are responsible for each other.
Social systems in which operations and learning are appropriately focused on human behavior.
 USA IN 1946
Kurt Lewin
Educational technology that reflects the democratic values ​​and aspirations of culture.
Provide opportunities for self-knowledge and self-development.
	 	Well-known behavior for oneself
	Unknown to oneself
	Behavior known to others
	Public	Blind
	Behavior unknown to others
	Hidden	"Unconscious"
Perception of the influence of one's behavior on others.
it is a method or way of collecting information necessary for an investigation, which consists of bringing together a small group of people (usually 6 to 12 people) in order to interview them and generate a discussion around a product, service, idea, advertising, etc.
Elaboration of the report
Motivated groups 
Self-directed groups
Highly productive groups 
Focus Group 
Collaborative groups 
Role Playing 
Role playing is the English expression to define "role play" understood as interpretation of roles.
It is a technique through which a situation that occurs in real life is simulated.The objective is to imagine the way of acting and the decisions that each of the characters would take in different situations. Then, it's about acting like that character at home one of the cases.
Putting yourself in another person's place is very useful in very specific cases such as a job interview.
You will be able to think and practice about how you will present yourself.
Put yourself also in the role of the interviewer
Role Playing 
Represent a situation
It opens space for opinions
To make conclusions
What is a Sociodrama?
Sociodrama is a method by which a group of individuals select and spontaneously enact a specific social situation common to their experience.
In general, one to two hours, depending upon the degree of audience participation, the subject matter, etc. The greatest impact is felt when the audience is between 20 and 25.
How long does the sociodrama take and how large can an audience be? 
He / she acts as a conduit between the actors and the audience. The facilitator presents a prologue introducing a topic geared to the specific audience. He/ she then introduces the actors and gives an overview of the scene.
The facilitator
How it is performed?
Do the actors perform a set script? 
No. Except for the first few minutes of the sociodrama when the "stage" must be set, there is no set script. The sociodrama is, in effect, an "interactive performance" in that all of it is improvisation. This is especially the case once audience participation begins.
Itself is what the end-user derives value from also can refer is what the end-user derives value from also can refer.
Public medium or place used for debates in which anyone can participate. In Roman times it meant a public place at the center of a market or town where open discussions on judicial, political, and other issues were held.
Highly productive
Application in Work Groups
The labor climate
The work climate is the sum of the perceptions that workers have about the human and physical environment where the daily activity of the organization takes place. It is a conjunctural factor in the life of an organization. In this sense, the climate is based on the organizational culture, a more permanent factor derived from the history, values and tradition of the organization. The work environment evolves according to internal dynamics that depend on basic perception processes such as the credibility of the source, the selective processes of arrival of information, opinion leaderships or group norms.
The Labor Climate survey will measure the level of satisfaction of the staff in general, and in the case of motivation, it is necessary to work in depth with each one of the collaborators and from the beginning of their work in the organization, knowing that aspects They are what motivate you. For a comprehensive assessment of job satisfaction, it is vital not to keep the results of the work climate survey but to find those aspects that employees really value, since there may be cases in which they are not satisfied but which are not relevant. for them, so it will be necessary to deepen these aspects with interviews with staff or focus groups. The action plans will have to be carried out on the prioritized aspects.
It is necessary as a first step to carry out a small training workshop, whose objective is to show the issues that intervene in the problematic of organizational behavior, that is to say: the difference of the satisfaction and motivation of the personnel, the implications of the application of the Climate Surveys Labor, the expectations generated by the collaborators, the need to carry out the action plans, etc.
For this step the adequacy of the Labor Climate survey must be done, for which it is necessary to take a survey model of this type and that addresses the main aspects to be evaluated such as remunerations, work environment, workload, relationship with the bosses, companions, etc. Based on this survey model, the organization's team should adapt the questions according to the particularities of the organization and above all make sure that all aspects of those that most often made complaints in the past are included. Two key questions that must be included are: how would you rate your level of satisfaction for belonging to the organization? and How would you rate your level of satisfaction with the work you do in the organization? Based on these two questions, satisfaction with the organization is comprehensively evaluated.
It is the application of the work climate survey to all personnel, for this the following must be taken into account:
The survey must be anonymous to ensure the reliability of the results
You must have a pleasant and quiet environment for conducting the survey.
The general results of the organization in each of the aspects evaluated, can be measured specifically how is the work climate by agency or area.
STEP 4: Results
For this second step you must have the team responsible for doing Step four requires the exclusive action of the team in charge of the measurement. Once the survey has been carried out, the results should be processed at the level of the organization and by areas or agencies. The entry of data in an excel sheet will allow a comprehensive management of the information collected. For the processing of surveys it is advisable to do so with the referencing technique at a higher value. In this way, representative results will be achieved at the level of the entire institution and region, as well as for each evaluation criterion.
The fifth and last step consists of prioritizing and establishing action plans, for this it is necessary to involve all levels of collaborators of the organization. To establish and prioritize action plans, the results of the labor climate survey are not enough, since the survey does not define the aspects that the staff considers most relevant, so, after the survey and before carrying out the action plans it must be deepened with respect to it.
What behavior does the T groups analyze?
Mention 3 characteristics of the debate addressed 
How does role playing help us?
 What is the work climate?
 Do you mention the first 3 steps to measure the work climate? 
How is the labor change?
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