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Sentences about past

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Sentences about past.
Sebastián Solano
Daniel Pachón
The Uis 
The Uis was founded on the of march on 1948
Michael Jordan’s career 
Michael Jordan was player of NBA from 1984 to 2003
The moon landing
Nol Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collings arrived to the moon in 1969
Bethoven´s sinphony
Bethoven wrote the fifth sinphony from 1804 to 1808
The fist transistor
Walter Brattain, Shockley and Barcleen invented the fist transistor in 1947
Salvator mundi was the picture more expensive sold at the history.
Salvator mundi
Theory of relativity
Albert einsteion publised his theory of relativity in 1905
100 años de soledad
Gabriel Garcia Marquez published “100 años de soledad” in 1967
Higgs’ boson
Higgs’ boson was discovey on the of july in 2012
 industrial revolution 
The first industrial revolution began in the century
Higgs’ boson
Colombia won the american cup in 2001 
Colombian Independence was on the 20th of july in 1810