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Hello, my name is Noemi and i’m gonna explain you my own two ways to be a remarkable student.
When we go to study we need to select the best ways to do it according to our abilities and skills.
For me the Feynman Technique is a very efficient method because I think that if we know how to explain any topic to other people, especially to children, it means that we have already understood it, we also explain it as we would like someone to explain us and it makes this method easier
The other that I consider good is the Zeigarnik effect.
Most people believe that with this method we just forget things and cannot use it to study, 
however, it is about creating a habit of continuous study that will help us in a way to remember what we should not forget.
In this way we can build a chain of new knowledge that will be increasingly difficult to forget.
As I said before, each one develops a different method to 
complement their study.
It is also true that various factors such as concentration and dedication influence the use of the study.
That has been all from me, thank you very much