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Indicate which of the following options correctly describes the components of acceleration in different types of motion: at = 0, an = 0. Rectilinea...

Indicate which of the following options correctly describes the components of acceleration in different types of motion:
at = 0, an = 0. Rectilinear motion at constant speed.
at = 0, an = constant. Uniform circular motion.
at ≠ constant, an ≠ constant. Accelerated circular motion.
an = 0, at = 0. Rectilinear motion at constant speed.
an = 0, at = constant. Rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion.
an ≠ 0 and at ≠ 0. Curvilinear motion.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

Física General - Índice
150 pag.

Física / Ciências Físicas Vicente Riva PalacioVicente Riva Palacio

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