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What is the objective of the unit 'Generalidades de la anatomía y fisiología de los animales'? The unit aims to describe the generalities of anima...

What is the objective of the unit 'Generalidades de la anatomía y fisiología de los animales'?

The unit aims to describe the generalities of animal anatomy and physiology.
The unit aims to teach how to diagnose possible alterations or anomalies in animal systems.
The unit aims to study the structure and functioning of animal organs.
a) Only I is correct.
b) Only II is correct.
c) Only III is correct.
d) I and II are correct.
e) I, II, and III are correct.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

124 pag.

Anatomiafisiologica Centro Universitário UNINTERCentro Universitário UNINTER

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