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dino Cookie the Apatosaurus Dinosaur Pattern - Daniela Morales

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Handmade By Jodie 
Find me on Facebook, Instagram, Ravelry and Etsy! 
Cookie the Apatosaurus 
Dinosaur Pattern 
Designed by Jodie Chadwick 
Thank you for purchasing my pattern. 
This pattern is for personal use only. Please do not redistribute, sell or copy this pattern or parts of 
this pattern in any way. You may sell the finished product from this pattern but please give credit to 
me as the designer. 
I try to keep my prices for my patterns as low as possible to enable everybody the 
chance at making one of my unique designs. Just because my prices are low doesn’t 
mean the pattern should be low quality. I put my heart into everything I make. I have 
tried to make my patterns as simple as possible so if you have any problems or think 
of a way I could improve, please get in touch. I love to hear your feedback, good or 
bad, and I especially like to see the outcome of my patterns. 
Handmade By Jodie 
Find me on Facebook, Instagram, Ravelry and Etsy! 
When made using the same yarn and hook size as me, Cookie will be approximately 
11.5inches tall 
This pattern is written using UK terminology. 
Stitches used; 
Ch – Chain 
Mr – Magic Ring 
St - Stitch 
Dc – Double crochet 
Inc – increase (two dc in one st) 
Dec – decrease (dc two stitches together) 
BLO – Back loop only 
Sl st – Slip stitch 
FO – finish off 
For this pattern I have used; 
Double Knit Yarn – My colours are Robin DK shade 16 for the main colour (approx 
75g), Hayfeld bonus DK shade 0882 for the light green parts (approx 20g) 
A very small amount of black embroidery thread for the eyebrows 
12mm Safety eyes – (You can embroider the eyes on if preferred) 
Stuffing (Fiberfil) 
3.25mm hook 
Large eyed darning Needle 
Doll Needle (Can be done without but so much easier with.) 
Stitch Markers 
Pins (for pinning the work together before sewing) 
Handmade By Jodie 
Find me on Facebook, Instagram, Ravelry and Etsy! 
We will be working in continuous rounds throughout all of this pattern. 
Head and neck 
Worked from the top down 
Using your main colour green and 3.25mm hook 
1. 6dc in mr (6) 
2. 1inc in each st (12) 
3. (1dc, 1inc) x 6 (18) 
4. (2dc, 1inc) x 6 (24) 
5. (3dc, 1inc) x 6 (30) 
6. (4dc, 1inc) x 6 (36) 
7. (5dc, 1inc) x 6 (42) 
8. (6dc, 1inc) x 6 (48) 
9. (7dc, 1inc) x 6 (54) 
10. – 23. 1dc in each st around for 14 rounds (54) 
24. 14dc, 2 x dec, (7dc, 1dec) x 2, 2 x dec, 14dc (48) 
25. 12dc, 2 x dec, (6dc, 1dec) x 2, 2 x dec, 12dc (42) 
26. 15dc, 6 x dec, 15dc (36) 
Insert the safety eyes now. They should be placed between rounds 14 and 15 with 
approx 10 stitches (9 holes) in between them. 
Handmade By Jodie 
Find me on Facebook, Instagram, Ravelry and Etsy! 
27. 12dc, 6 x dec, 12 dc (30) 
28. (3dc, 1dec) x 6 (24) 
29. (2dc, 1dec) x 6 (18) 
Begin stuffing the head, continue stuffing as you work your way up the neck. The 
neck needs to be stuffed firmly to ensure that it stands up. 
30. – 51. 1dc in each st around for 22 rounds (18) 
52. 4dc, 6 sl st, 8dc (18) 
53. 4dc, 6 x inc, 8dc (24) 
54. 4dc, (1dc, 1inc) x 6, 8dc (30) 
Finish off and leave a long tail for sewing. Stuff firmly. 
Using the lighter green colour, a small amount of the dark green for the nostrils and a 
3.25mm hook 
1. Ch 7, working in both sides of the ch – starting in the 2nd ch from the hook – 
5dc, 1inc in last st, turn to work the other side of the ch, 1inc into the same st 
as the previous increase, 4dc, (1dc, 1inc) into the last st (16) 
2. Working in continuous rounds from here. 1inc, 5dc, change to dark green, 
1inc, change to light green, 1inc, 6dc, 1inc, change to dark green, 1inc, 
change to light green (21) 
3. 1inc, 7dc, change to dark green, 2 x inc, change to light green, 9dc, change to 
dark green, 2 x inc, change to light green (26) 
4. (10dc, 3 x inc) x 2 (32) 
5. – 9. 1dc in each st around for four rounds (32) 
Finish off. Leave a long tail for sewing the nose to the head. 
Handmade By Jodie 
Find me on Facebook, Instagram, Ravelry and Etsy! 
Use pins to attach the nose to the head before sewing. This will hep make sure you 
have the nose in the correct position. 
The top line of the nose should be directly in between the eyes and sit between rows 
14 and 15 of the head. 
Stuff the nose firmly before sewing. 
Defining the eyes and nostrils 
Using a doll needle and the dark green used for the main colour. 
Handmade By Jodie 
Find me on Facebook, Instagram, Ravelry and Etsy! 
For the Nostrils – Insert the needle into the back of the head, leave a long tail 
hanging out, and exit through the left nostril. Reinsert the needle into the same 
nostril but a different hole, exit through the back of the head where you originally 
entered. Pull both ends of the yarn hanging out to define the nostril. Once you are 
happy with the indent, tie both ends together 2-3 times to secure. Use a large eyed 
needle, thread both ends into it and reinsert into the same hole they came out of to 
hide them. Repeat this process for the right nostril. 
For the eyes – Insert the needle into the back of the head, leave a tail hanging out, 
and exit through the bottom left corner of the right eye. Reinsert the needle in a stitch 
directly next to or above where you came out, exit in the bottom right corner of the 
left eye. Reinsert in a stitch next to or above where you exited and exit through your 
original entry point at the back of the head. Now you need to pull on both ends of 
yarn to define the eyes, also use your fingers to push the eyes slightly closer 
together as you pull the yarn. Once you are happy with how the eyes look, tie both 
ends of yarn together securely. Repeat the entire process for the eyes once more to 
make sure they are secure. When you are finished, thread both ends of the yarn 
onto a large eyed needle and hide inside the head. 
Handmade By Jodie 
Find me on Facebook, Instagram, Ravelry and Etsy! 
Use black embroidery thread to do the eyebrows as shown in the picture. 
Legs and body 
We are going to crochet all four legs and then attach them all together and continue 
making the body. 
Using the main colour and a 3.25mm hook 
1. 6dc in mr (6) 
2. 1inc in each st (12) 
3. (1dc, 1inc) x 6 (18) 
4. (2dc, 1inc) x 6 (24) 
5. (3dc, 1inc) x 6 (30) 
6. BLO – 1dc in each st around (30) 
7. – 14. 1dc in each st around for 8 rounds (30) 
Do three more legs. Leave a long tail on the first three legs. Do not finish off the 
fourth leg, continue as below. 
Handmade By Jodie 
Find me on Facebook, Instagram, Ravelry and Etsy! 
Stand all four legs together as in the picture. The three legs which were finished off 
should stand with their last worked stitch dc towards the centre. The fourth leg 
should be stood with its last worked st at the front ready to join onto the left leg. 
15. Join the right front leg onto the left leg with 1dc in the nearest st (put your 
stitch marker here, this is the beginning of round 15 and also the front of your 
work). Do 20dc around the front left leg, join to back left leg with 1dc, then do 
a further 18dc. Join to back right leg with 1dc then do a further 18dc. Join to 
front right leg with 1dc then do a further 20dc (80) 
Use the leftover yarn tails from each leg to sew the tops of the legs together on the 
inside of the dinosaur. 
Handmade By Jodie 
Find me on Facebook, Instagram,Ravelry and Etsy! 
16. – 28. 1dc in each st around for 13 rounds (80) 
29. (8dc, 1dec) x 8 (72) 
30. 1dc in each st around (72) 
31. (10dc, 1dec) x 6 (66) 
32. 1dc in each st around (66) 
33. (9dc, 1dec) x 6 (60) 
Start stuffing. Make sure each leg is filled firmly. The whole body needs to be filled 
really tightly, this will act as a weight to make sure the dinosaur stands up properly. 
Continue stuffing as you work your way up. 
34. 1dc in each st (60) 
35. (8dc, 1dec) x 6 (54) 
36. (7dc, 1dec) x 6 (48) 
37. (6dc, 1dec) x 6 (42) 
38. (5dc, 1dec) x 6 (36) 
39. (4dc, 1dec) x 6 (30) 
40. (3dc, 1dec) x 6 (24) 
41. (2dc, 1dec) x 6 (18) 
42. (1dc, 1dec) x 6 (12) 
43. (1dec) x 6 (6) 
Finish off and leave a tail for closing the hole. Thread the tail onto a needle. Pick up 
the six remaining stitches on the needle and pull the yarn through all six stitches. Pull 
tightly to close the hole, knot and secure the yarn. Hide the remaining yarn inside the 
Handmade By Jodie 
Find me on Facebook, Instagram, Ravelry and Etsy! 
Using the main colour and a 3.25mm hook. 
1. 4dc in mr (4) 
2. 1inc, 3dc (5) 
3. 1inc, 4dc (6) 
4. 1inc, 5dc (7) 
5. 1inc, 6dc (8) 
6. 1inc, 7dc (9) 
7. 1inc, 8dc (10) 
8. 1inc, 9dc (11) 
9. 1inc, 10dc (12) 
10. 1inc, 11dc (13) 
11. 1dc in each st around (13) 
12. 1inc, 12dc (14) 
13. 1dc in each st around (14) 
14. 1inc, 13dc (15) 
15. 1dc in each st around (15) 
16. 1inc, 14dc (16) 
17. 1dc in each st around (16) 
18. 1inc, 15dc (17) 
19. 1dc in each st around (17) 
20. 1inc,16dc (18) 
21. 1dc in each st around (18) 
22. 1inc, 17dc (19) 
23. 1dc in each st around (19) 
24. 1inc, 18dc (20) 
25. 1inc, 19dc (21) 
26. 1inc, 20dc (22) 
27. 1inc, 21dc (23) 
28. 1inc, 22dc (24) 
29. 1inc, 23dc (25) 
30. 1inc, 24dc (26) 
31. 1inc, 25dc (27) 
Handmade By Jodie 
Find me on Facebook, Instagram, Ravelry and Etsy! 
32. 1inc, 26dc (28) 
33. 1inc, 27dc (29) 
34. 1inc, 28dc (30) 
35. 1inc, 29dc (31) 
36. 1inc, 30dc (32) 
37. 1inc, 31dc (33) 
38. 1dc in each st around (33) 
39. 1inc, 32dc (34) 
40. 1dc in each st around (34) 
Finish off and leave a long tail for sewing to the body. 
Putting Cookie together 
Head to body. 
Pin the head to the body to ensure correct positioning before sewing it on. Stuff the 
neck very firmly so that it stands freely. You can use wire if a positionable neck is 
Make sure the neck is central to the front legs. Pin the front of the neck at a height of 
round 32 of the body, pin the back of the neck at a height of round 42. 
Once you are happy with the positioning, sew the neck to the body. 
Handmade By Jodie 
Find me on Facebook, Instagram, Ravelry and Etsy! 
Tail to body 
Pin the tail to the body to ensure correct positioning before sewing it on. 
Make sure the tail is central to the back legs. The top of the tail should be pinned at 
round 30 of the body and the bottom should be pinned between rounds 19 and 20. 
Once you are happy with positioning, sew the tail to the body. 
Handmade By Jodie 
Find me on Facebook, Instagram, Ravelry and Etsy! 
Use the same colour yarn as used for the nose and a 3.25mm hook. 
Make 2 
1. 6dc in mr (6) 
2. 1inc in each st (12) 
Sl st into first st of round 2. FO. 
Make 4 
1. 6dc in mr (6) 
Pull the magic ring closed and sl st into first st. FO 
Sew the spots (3 per side) onto the dinosaur as shown in the pics. 
Use same coloured yarn as used for the nose and the spots and a 3.25mm hook. 
The toes consist of four stitches over the top of a dc at the bottom of the legs. Do 
three per leg as shown in the photos. 
Handmade By Jodie 
Find me on Facebook, Instagram, Ravelry and Etsy! 
Congratulations! Your Apatosaurus is now complete! 
I hope you have enjoyed following this pattern. 
If you have any problems, questions or opinions on this pattern please get in touch. 
Thank you very much! 
Handmade By Jodie 
Find me on Facebook, Instagram, Ravelry and Etsy!

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