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What is nomophobia? I - Nomophobia is a new disease caused by excessive use of mobile phones. II - The lack of a mobile phone can cause discomfort...

What is nomophobia?

I - Nomophobia is a new disease caused by excessive use of mobile phones.
II - The lack of a mobile phone can cause discomfort in people with nomophobia.
III - People with nomophobia have high self-esteem and are not concerned with being accepted by others.
IV - The nomophobia can affect the academic or work performance of the person.
a) Only I and II are correct.
b) Only II and IV are correct.
c) Only I, II and IV are correct.
d) Only II, III and IV are correct.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

Laboratorio 05-Técnicas de comprensión lectora (6)
5 pag.

Topografia I EngenhariasEngenharias

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