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1. What is the best summary? A) Nomophobia describes the symptoms of fear of not having the mobile phone as anxiety that mainly affects young peopl...

1. What is the best summary?
A) Nomophobia describes the symptoms of fear of not having the mobile phone as anxiety that mainly affects young people.
B) The fear of losing the mobile phone, called nomophobia, presents symptoms such as nervousness and obsessive thoughts.
C) The need to have a mobile phone is known as nomophobia and the most likely to generate dependence are young people.
D) Nomophobia is the word derived from the term 'no-mobile-phone-phobia' that causes multiple behavioral disorders.
E) Nomophobia is a term describing a growing fear in all the people of today's world: the fear of being without a mobile phone.

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210 pag.

Matemática Biológicas / SaúdeBiológicas / Saúde

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