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What is the unit of atomic mass and what is it used for? 1.1 - Unit of atomic mass 1.2 - Mol 1.3 - Interpretation of a chemical formula 2 - Gas sta...

What is the unit of atomic mass and what is it used for?
1.1 - Unit of atomic mass
1.2 - Mol
1.3 - Interpretation of a chemical formula
2 - Gas state
1.1 - The unit of atomic mass is 1 uma and it represents the average mass of the isotopes of an element. It is used to calculate atomic weight, molecular weight, and formula weight.
1.2 - The mol is the mass in grams of 1 mol of structural units (atoms, molecules, ions...). It is numerically equal to the formula weight expressed in g/mol.
1.3 - The interpretation of a chemical formula allows us to know the number of atoms of each element present in a molecule or formula unit.
2 - The gas state has submicroscopic properties, such as chaotic movement and great intermolecular distance, and macroscopic properties, such as expansibility, compressibility, diffusion, and effusion. The variables of thermodynamic state are pressure, temperature, and volume.

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Repaso San Marcos Semana 03- Química
7 pag.

Química Universidad Nacional Abierta Y A Distancia UnadUniversidad Nacional Abierta Y A Distancia Unad

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