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RuizRivera_ManueldeJesús_M06S3AI6 - Manuel Ruiz

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Actividad integradora 6. Finding a roommate 
Mi mundo en otra lengua
Semana 3
Unidad III. Hobbies and abilities
Write 10 questions and answers to know the routine of your possible new roommate. 
(Escribe 10 preguntas y respuestas para conocer la rutina de tu posible nuevo compañero(a) de cuarto).
	Questions (Does)
What time does he/she have lunch?
(¿A qué hora come él/ella?)
Samantha has lunchtime at 7 o’clock
Does he/she exercise regularly?
(¿Se ejercita regularmente él/ella?)
Yes, she exercises regularly.
	1.What do you usually have for breakfast?
I usually prepare eggs and toast.
	2. What time did you wake up?
	I wake up at eight am.
	3. Do you usually read at some point of the day?
	if sometimes I read in the afternoons.
	4. Do you practice any sport?
	if after breakfast I go to soccer practice.
	5. What do you like to do in your free time?
	I like to play video games.
	6. what time do you usually do your homework?
	most of the time I usually do it at night.
	7. what time you sleep?
	I usually sleep at eleven pm.
	8. What do you usually make of food?
	I usually cook spagetti to eat.
	9.do you have any schedule to study?
	I don't have any established schedule.
	10. where do you get information to do your homework?
	I get most of the information from google and sometimes from books.
	Write five sentences where you explain the routine of your possible roommate. Remember that you will use the structure of the third person. Use the adverbs of time: first, after, then, finally. 
(Escribe cinco oraciones en las que expliques la rutina de tu posible compañero de cuarto. Recuerda que usarás la estructura de la tercera persona. Usa los adverbios de tiempo: first, after, then, finally).
This is my possible new roommate Samantha and this is her routine. First, she gets up at 6:00 in the morning, after…
	My partner gets up at eight the first thing he does is take a bath and then make breakfast. After finishing breakfast, he goes to soccer practice where he goes from ten am to twelve pm and then go back home. So after resting for a moment, she usually makes food, finally at night, she usually does her homework, and after finishing it, she plays video games by eleven pm he usually goes to sleep.
	My audio.
(Copy the URL of your audio here).
2. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H_6WZtNR2jdO_AgVNNiwrwXG0xoljx8C/view?usp=sharing
6. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ho2rlH2NbjTXecXPWYKzwa2fA_gxiXGq/view?usp=sharing
7. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HoMNMF_oCYejzSIkfkJOB0EBFANB-yXF/view?usp=sharing

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