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Stanislaus, 68 years old, presents with a history of heart failure and on auscultation, a third sound is heard, which (Mark the Incorrect): a- It...

Stanislaus, 68 years old, presents with a history of heart failure and on auscultation, a third sound is heard, which (Mark the Incorrect):

a- It is present in adolescents normally, but not in older adults.
b- It is a low-frequency sound with a long duration.
c- It appears in the final phase of diastole in the cardiac cycle.
d- It can occur in normal children and in patients with elevated cardiac output.
e- It can be caused by increased velocity in ventricular filling.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

Preguntas Fisio - Propiedades cardíacas, ciclo cardíaco
14 pag.

Medicina Instituto Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud de la Fundación BarcelóInstituto Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud de la Fundación Barceló

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