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Identify the correct match between the movement and its description/characteristics: Ebionismo Marcionismo Montanismo Maniqueismo Adopcionismo Sabe...

Identify the correct match between the movement and its description/characteristics:
Doctrine of redemption that explained the reason for evil in the world and how to be liberated from it.
Dualistic movement that believed in the radical separation between God and matter.
Movement that believed in the existence of a hierarchy between the persons of the Trinity, with the Holy Spirit being a created instrument of God.
Dualistic movement that believed in the eternal opposition between God and matter.
Belief that Christ was of a different nature than the Father.
Belief that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit were not distinct persons, but rather different modes of the same divine person.
Belief that Christ was a created being and not co-eternal with the Father.
Belief that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit were not distinct persons, but rather different modes of the same divine person.
Belief that the Father and Son were of the same substance, but the Holy Spirit was a created being.
Belief that the Holy Spirit was a created instrument of God and not a distinct person of the Trinity.
Belief that Christ was two distinct persons, one human and one divine.
Belief that Christ had a human body but a divine mind.
Belief that Christ had only one nature, a divine-human nature.
Belief that Christ had only one nature, a divine-human nature, and only one will.
Belief that Christ had only one will, a divine will.
a) Ebionismo - Doctrine of redemption that explained the reason for evil in the world and how to be liberated from it. / Marcionismo - Dualistic movement that believed in the radical separation between God and matter. / Montanismo - Movement that believed in the existence of a hierarchy between the persons of the Trinity, with the Holy Spirit being a created instrument of God.
b) Ebionismo - Dualistic movement that believed in the eternal opposition between God and matter. / Marcionismo - Belief that Christ was of a different nature than the Father. / Montanismo - Belief that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit were not distinct persons, but rather different modes of the same divine person.
c) Ebionismo - Dualistic movement that believed in the eternal opposition between God and matter. / Marcionismo - Dualistic movement that believed in the radical separation between God and matter. / Montanismo - Belief that Christ was two distinct persons, one human and one divine.

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Filosofia Universidad Pedagógica Experimental LibertadorUniversidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador

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