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Nonprofit Marketing, 2a. ed. Redwood City, CA: The Scientific Press, 1989; Paul Flanagan, Robert Johnston y Derek Talbot, “Customer Confidence: The...

Nonprofit Marketing, 2a. ed. Redwood City, CA: The Scientific Press, 1989; Paul Flanagan, Robert Johnston y Derek Talbot, “Customer Confidence: The Development of ‘Pre-Experience’ Concept”. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 16, No. 4 (2005): 373-384. U.S. Department of Commerce, North American Industry Classification System-United States. Washington, DC: National Technical Information Service PB 2002-101430, 2002. “The Great Jobs Switch”. The Economist (1 de octubre, 2005): 11, 14. Diana Farrell, Martha A. Laboissiere y Jaeson Rosenfeld, “Sizing the Emerging Global Labor Market”. The McKin- sey Quarterly, No. 3 (2005): 93-103. “Crowned at Last”. The Economist (2 de abril, 2005): 3-6. Bill Carroll y Judy Siguaw, “The Evolution of Electronic Distribution: Effects on Hotels and Intermediaries”. Cor- nell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 44 (agosto, 2003): 38-51. Michael D. Johnson y Anders Gustafsson, Competing in a Service Economy. 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Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2002: 2768. John M. Rathmell, “What Is Meant by Services?” Journal of Marketing, 30 (octubre, 1966): 32-36. Evert Gummesson (cita de una fuente desconocida), “Lip Service: A Neglected Area in Services Marke- ting”. Journal of Consumer Services, no. 1 (verano, 1987): 19-22. Adaptado de una definición de Christopher Lovelock (identificado de forma anónima como Expert 6, Table II, p. 112) en Bo Edvardsson, Anders Gustafsson e Inger Roos, “Service Portraits in Service Research: A Critical Review”. International Journal of Service Industry Manage- ment, 16, No. 1 (2005): 107-121. Rogelio Oliva y Robert L. Kallenberg, “Managing the Transition from Products to Services”. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 14, No. 2 (2003): 160-172; Capítulo 1 Nuevos enfoques de marketing en la economía de servicios 31 Jeremy Howells, “Innovation, Consumption and Services: Encapsulation and the Combinatorial Role of Services”. The Service Industries Journal, 24 (enero, 2004): 19-36; Mo- hanbir Sawhney, Sridhar Balasubramanian y Vish V. Krishnan, “Creating Growth with Services”. MIT Sloan Management Review, 45 (invierno, 2004): 34-43; Sara Brax, “A Manufacturer Becoming Service Provider-Challenges and a Paradox”. Managing Service Quality, 15, No. 2 (2005): 142-155; Wayne A. Neu y Stephen A. Brown, “Forming Successful Business-to-Business Services in Goods-Dominant Firms”. Journal of Service Research, 8 (agosto 2005), 3-17; Morris A. Cohen, Narendra Agrawal y Vipul Agrawal, “Winning in the Aftermarket”. Har- vard Business Review, 84 (mayo, 2006): 1-4. Theodore Levitt, Marketing for Business Growth. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974, p. 5. Roland Rust, “What Is the Domain of Service Research?” (editorial). Journal of Service Research, 1 (noviembre, 1998): 107. IBM Annual Report. Armonk, NY: International Business Machines Corporation, 2005 (disponible en línea en ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/annualreport/004/2004_ ibm_annual.pdf). G. Lynn Shostack, “Breaking Free from Product Marke- ting”. Journal of Marketing, 41 (abril, 1977): 73-80. W. Earl Sasser, R. Paul Olsen y D. Daryl Wyckoff, Mana- gement of Service Operations: Text, Cases and Readings. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1978. William R. George y Leonard L. Berry, “Guidelines for the Advertising of Services”. Business Horizons (julio- agosto, 1981): 52-56. Banwari Mittal, “The Advertising of Services: Meeting the Challenge of Intangibility”. Journal of Service Research, 2 (agosto, 1999): 98-116; Banwari Mittal y Julie Baker, “Advertising Strategies for Hospitality Services”. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 43 (abril, 2002): 51-63. Flanagan, Johnston y Talbot, “Customer Confidence”. El término “empleado parcial” fue acuñado por P.K. Mills y D.J. Moberg, “Perspectives on the Technology of Service Operations”. Academy of Management Review, 7, No. 3, (1982): 467-478. Para revisar investigaciones re- cientes sobre este tema, vea Karthik Namasivayam, “The Consumer as Transient Employee: Consumer Sa- tisfaction Through the Lens of Job-Performance Models”. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 14, No. 4 (2004): 420-435; An-Tien Hsieh, Chang-Hua Yen y Ko-Chien Chin, “Participative Customers as Partial Employees and Service Provider Workload”. Internatio- nal Journal of Service Industry Management, 15, No. 2 (2004): 187-200. Matthew L. Meuter, Mary Jo Bitner, Amy L. Ostrom y Stephen W, Brown, “Choosing Among Alternative Deli- very Modes: An Investigation of Customer Trial of Self Service Technologies”. Journal of Marketing, 69 (abril, 2005): 61-84. Devashish Pujari, “Self-Service with a Smile: Self-Service Technology (SST) Encounters Among Canadian Business- to-Business”. International Journal of Service Industry Mana- gement, 15, No. 2 (2004): 200-219; Angus Laing, Gillian Hogg y Dan Winkelman, “The Impact of the Internet on Professional Relationships: The Case of Health Care”. The Service Industries Journal, 25 (julio, 2005): 675-688. Matthew L. Meuter, Amy Ostrom, Robert Roundtree y Mary Jo Bitner, “Self-Service Technologies: Understanding Customer Satisfaction with Technology-Based Service Encounters”. Journal of Marketing, 64 (julio, 2000): 50-64; A. Parasuraman, Valarie Zeithaml y Arvind Malhotra, “E-S- QUAL: A Multiple Item Scale for Assessing Electronic Ser- vice Quality”. Journal of Service Research, 7 (febrero, 2005): 213-233. Philip J. Coelho y Chris Easingwood, “Multiple Channel Systems in Services: Pros, Cons, and Issues”. The Service Industries Journal, 24 (septiembre, 2004): 1-30. Bonnie Farber Canziani, “Leveraging Customer Compe- tency in Service Firms”. International Journal of Service In- dustry Management, 8, No. 1 (1997): 5-25. Gary Knisely, “Greater Marketing Emphasis by Holiday Inns Breaks Mold”. Advertising Age (15 de enero, 1979). Gary Stix, “Real Time”. Scientific American (septiembre, 2002): 36-39. Coelho y Easingwood, “Multiple Channel Systems in Services”. La clasificación de las 4 Ps como variables de la decisión de marketing fue creada por E. Jerome McCarthy, Basic Marketing: A Managerial Approach. Homewood, IL: Ri- chard D. Irwin, 1960. Se trata de una modificación de la larga lista de ingredientes incluidos en el concepto de la mezcla de marketing, creada por el profesor Neil Borden en la Escuela de Negocios de Harvard, en la dé- cada de 1950. Borden adoptó la idea de un colega que describió el trabajo del gerente de marketing como un “mezclador de ingredientes”. La mezcla de marketing ampliada de las 7 Ps fue propues- ta por primera vez por Bernard H. Booms y Mary J. Bit- ner, “Marketing Strategies and Organization Structures for Service Firms,” en J.H. Donnelly y W.R. George, Mar- keting of Services. Chicago: American Marketing Asso- ciation, 1981, pp. 47-51. La octava P, de productividad y calidad, fue añadida por Christopher Lovelock y Lauren Wright, Principles of Service Marketing and Management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1999. Para revisar la literatura sobre este tema, vea Michael D. Hartline y O.C. Ferrell, “The Management of Customer Contact Service Employees”. Journal of Marketing, 60, No. 4 (octubre, 1996): 52-70. El término “mercadólogo de media jornada” fue creado por Evert Gummesson, “The New Marketing: Develo- ping Long-Term Interactive Relationships”. Long Range Planning,

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