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What is the correct order of steps to evaluate and treat complex wounds? Evaluate the general condition of the animal Perform a thorough analysis A...

What is the correct order of steps to evaluate and treat complex wounds?
Evaluate the general condition of the animal
Perform a thorough analysis
Assess the depth and distribution of the wounds
Shave the affected area and wash it with saline solution under pressure
Perform a Gram stain and microbiological culture and sensitivity test
Administer bactericidal antibiotics
Provide a moist environment for wound healing
Use negative pressure wound therapy and drainage
Treat the infection until epithelialization is complete
Perform surgery to close the defect

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

Manual práctico de heridas y quemaduras en perros y gatos
197 pag.

Anestesiologia Veterinária Universidad De CordobaUniversidad De Cordoba

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